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Purchasing computer after quitting - So Tired

Posted: Mar 10, 2010

Does anyone know if we can purchase our computer from the company after quitting? I know that we can keep all of the other equipment (monitor, keyboard, etc), but we have to return to the tower. Does anyone know if we can purchase it from the company? I have been looking for alternate employment, but haven't been able to find another company that will provide equipment. With computer being so expensive, I just thought I'd keep the one I have. Any input?

Purchasing computer - mrs.krabs

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I'd get rid of anything that has to do with MQ. Cut all ties completely. The HP computer is a cheapo and look at the mileage you have put on it already. Dell has pretty good monthly payment programs. Treat yourself to something better.

computer - anon

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guess it wouldn't hurt to ask. Just make sure you get a receipt saying you paid them for it.

I have an old IBM from MQ...most reliable computer I've ever owned. I wouldn't mind keeping if/when I leave as well.

Others on here have said they tried and the answer was NO. - NM

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Keeping PC - Anonymous

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I would think that the answer would be no. That PC is probably loaded with the company's proprietary software and you probably had some kind of licensing agreement with them, I can understand why they wouldn't want former employees to have them. Actually, new PCs are pretty affordable these days if you don't need/purchase a bunch of add-ons. I agree, Dell has good deals, offer free shipping and offer payment plan options. They also sell refurbished PCs for less.

Purchasing computer after quitting - Susan

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When I quit Medquist, I had my own monitor and keyboard and footpedal, so I just went out and bought the tower for $256.00 with Windows 7 on it. I only use it for the new company I work for now. I would just return theirs to them. I wouldn't want anything that would remind me of that company in my home. I hope you have moved on like I have.

If you get an answer, let me know. I have mine - justme

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the way I like it, and when I quit MQ it would be nice to keep this computer. I'll reluctantly send it back if I have to, but what in the world will they do with it, throw it away?

No, they will give it a couple of upgrades, and reuse it. - RADMT

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Because of what's on the computer, and their obligations to their clients (HIPAA), they can't let us keep them. I'm surprised they are still giving us computers anyway. I'm grateful they did because I didn't have one when I started.

You cannot keep it, not with the new HIPAA laws. - Company has to delete EVERYTHING!

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You have too much info on it.

What if you just don't send it back - when they ask for it

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From my understanding, if you don't send it back, they will charge you for it. So would that be a round about way of purchasing it?

Or what if you've upgraded it and it no longer has the same - whoever this is

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harddrive? Well the old one is in there, I just don't use it. A sup a long, long time ago told me I could add a new drive, and I did. I've also added more memory. It's basically my computer with an old harddrive in it. I wonder if I can just send that back?

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