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companies who use single space after a period - ICMT

Posted: Apr 07, 2012

Does anyone know of companies who use a single space after a period? I need a second IC position and am worried I will be making mistakes if I type double space for one and single space for another. Not a huge deal maybe though? Ideas? Thx!

If you're using Word... - sm

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no worries! Just got into tools, options, spelling & grammar, and set the grammar settings on require periods between sentences to 1 period instead of 2. I have one company I do parole hearings for who wants the normal 2 periods and then a railroad investigations company who only wants 1 period. If you're not using Word, I'm sorry, but I have no answer there :(

Or you could do a macro to do one or the other - again if using Word

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My "thumb" default is two spaces after a period. I cannot retrain my thumb to one space no matter how hard I try.

If I was on an account that HAD to have only one space, I'd create a macro to run after I was done with a document that would search for every instance of a period and two spaces and replace it with a period with one space.

My thumbs are lazy anyway, so were perfectly happy to - change over to single space. Not a problem. :) NM

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question - ICMT

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So I tried changing under grammar to require 2 spaces after a period but this just gave me the green squiggly line under each period, and I had to manually change each sentence. Is there an easier way to have it change automatically, like if I did a macro like the 2nd poster suggested? But then what would happen with b.i.d. , t.i.d., etc.? I have Word 2003 and am not very familiar with recording macros. I will look into it more, but my biggest concern is keeping it to sentences somehow.

also - ICMT

[ In Reply To ..]
The reason I am not familiar with recording macros is that I use SH and do not type in Word for my current position. I think my 2nd position will be typing in Word though.

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