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Wondering about information on Uscribe - hmmmm.....

Posted: Jun 20, 2012

Wondering about information on Uscribe.  They type for doctors in the UK, apparently?  Anyone work for them or heard anything about them that would like to give some info?  Thanks!

Uscribe - Hardworking but poor MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Yes, the accounts are in the UK and Ireland, so you use the "English way" of spelling words, recognise instead of recognize etc. The report format is also different -- letter form intead of the types of report formats we are used to here for H&Ps, consults, etc. The reports also tend to be extremely short -- I could do 30-35 reports a day and get maybe 500 lines a day in. I finally got the truth out of the account manager and she said on average you had to do about 100 or more reports a day to get a decent line count. Hope this helps. Overall though, very friendly company to work for.

Uscribe - Dap

[ In Reply To ..]
I worked for Uscribe in the Philippines as an outsource before from 2007-2008 before I went here in the US. Accounts are from different hospitals in all counties of Ireland and some UK. Majority of the dictators are from India and very hard to understand. The maximum time length for a dictation I worked on is about 15minutes only for a Psychiatric note but a very good dictator. Most of the notes are short from H&Ps to Discharges.

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