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Transcend plays favorites big time - Upset

Posted: Dec 04, 2009

Why are these managers playing favorites?  Don't they think that some of us know our teammates and talk to them?  Just as an example, one of my teammates got a birthday gift, but some of the rest of have never even gotten a birthday card or note saying happy birthday.   Some get thank you letters if they spell a word right and the rest of never even get a thank you when we have worked hours to help get an account out of trouble.  And this is by the same manager.   I have to go to my teammates to find out what is going on because my team lead doesn't know because she isn't told anything either.    Doesn't Transcend ever monitor or evaluate its managers? 

I don't get any of those things from Transcend - Gimmesomework

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either. But rather than be upset about that, the lack of work on an almost weekly basis is what upsets me. They can keep their gestures (and they do), but give me some work. Gifts, words of praise are not important. Paying my bills is.

That's why it's best not to discuss such things.... - DMZ

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...among coworkers....it can make or break a team or its leaders. One thing I learned many years ago - you don't discuss your salary or any "bonuses" you may get among those you work with on a daily basis. If everyone keeps their mouths shut, nobody has anything to complain about. Some people just love to dig for something to bitch about.

I'm not sure I agree entirely with that. - MTDays

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I think to a degree it has contributed to the downfall of the industry. For instance, if wages were not cloaked in so much secrecy, maybe we could have slowed down the free-fall of wages. For example, if someone knows that a company is willing to and does pay at least some of its MTs 9-10 cpl, an MT might be more willing to play hardball or negotiate something better than the 7.5 cpl that the MTSO says is the going rate.

Also, on just a more personal level, if I know that a company obviously does not 'appreciate' me to the same degree that they do other employees, I would just as soon know that and move on to someplace else where I may be more welcomed.

While there is no way to unite us an industry, more transparency would help a lot of MTs make decisions that will ultimately improve their working conditions.
wage transparancy - NorCalMT
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Believe it's the company's responsibility to be more transparent and not put the burden on the MT. How many job posts do we see that don't mention the pay or are vague about it like 'depending on experience.? We have ENOUGH to be responsible for. Let's push the companies to be more forthright! ;)

I don't even know who my coworkers are, just my leads. sm - dd

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I don't even know if there are any coworkers left from the Deventure merger, but would be interested in at least having one coworker friend. I thought that was not allowed for the longest time and am still not sure.
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NOT ALLOWED? What did you think was not allowed? Last I remember, we were living in the good 'ole USA and our freedom of speech was protected by the Constitution. So the MTSOs now supersede the laws drawn up by the U.S. Constitution? What power they've gained all of a sudden (LMAO big time)!
Transcend has their own MLS website with a forum. You - TranscenderMT
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have access to all Transcend employees there. You post under your real name, not annonymous. Maybe you can check there and see if you can re-connect with any old co-workers.

hush hush policy? - rubberbabybuggybumpers

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Prior is a valid complaint for this company, though, because they segregate "team" members by not allowing open communication among members, which in itself promotes bad work output and ostracization. Open communication between members facilitates better organization (for the company), better job quality (beneficial for company and employee), and a sense of well being and inclusion for the employee. Communication also validates the word "TEAM". You can't be a "TEAM" if you're not working with one another.
When is the last time you interacted with "team" members? - Not sure I agree here...
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I do agree that open communication is the best policy, but really, when was the last time you had total access to your coworkers at an MTSO? Some MTSOs have their own little forums where you can meet and then interact off line if you choose, but overall, in my day to day work, I have not directly (other than email) communicated with ANY of my team members or coworkers since the early 90s.

Back then, we could call QA and ask them to listen. That ended long ago.

To my knowledge, MDI MD has never actually actively discouraged open communication by MTs and I cant even follow how this would be related to bad work output. I work at home, I am alone overall, and my work output is directly 100% related to Me. Not whether I have a chat with another MT or talk about our salaries or email to gripe about a doctor. And, yes, I am still a team member no matter that I don't talk to the other team members. Honestly, I don't have the time to talk/email/chat with my team members - now there would be some bad work output!

One last comment - if you wanted to communicate with fellow MDIers on your team, it's pretty easy to figure out how to.

Thanks for your input though.

Quite often, actually. - Transcender
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We've NEVER been told not to talk to each other, and in fact, I often hear from fellow team members because I have a reputation for having a rather large stash of sample dictations, and for being willing to share them with my co-workers.
That's great! The implication was Transcend or MDI is keeping us separate - NM
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No message.
I should add, - Transcender
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however, that I never, EVER, under ANY circumstances, discuss my pay scale in detail with ANYONE who is not my direct supervisor (or above). My very first day on my very first job, about a hundred years ago, I was so instructed, and I've never deviated from that policy since. It's just a really, really bad idea.

I have, however, gotten into very general discussions, to the effect that pay scales have gone down the indoor fixture in recent years (as if anyone didn't already know THAT), and that I make what appears to be a rate that's "in the ballpark" for nowadays. I don't get any more detailed than that. It just makes for discontent, since there's always going to be somebody who makes less than you do, or a quarter to half cent more than you do, and it's better all around NOT to go there. Truly.
Transcender - DMZ
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You said that much more succinctly than I tried to - very well done! Kudos to you.
I interact with my team members all the time. - MDIr for now
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Keystrokes does the same thing. - Typing Machine
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Totally agree with your post.
WHAT???? You're kidding, right? I email with other people on my account and use SM - Happy Keystroker
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Facebook and IM. I know they are also putting in company-wide email. It may have been that way in the past but not for the past 3 years. I love the communication and feeling of team that I get from KS. I am definitely not just a number and I love that!
No names, no communication, and - Typing Machine
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No, this past year. Never knew any of my coworker's names, e-mails or anything, AND never knew if a new "typing machine" had been hired or how many machines were working at any given time.
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The welcome aboard e-mail was sent to about 15 people and no one sent an e-mail acknowledging my arrival. Very strange I thought.
I wish that happened at MDI - MDIMT
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I have never communicated with my fellow MTs, and even made a suggestion to a supervisor that it would be nice if we got to know one another, and a little bit about where we were from, no response to that request at all. I have known of any that do contact one another, although I have only been with the company a little over a year. I think it is great to do that though.
Totally agree - KSMT
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I have been there for about 3 years as well and have always had a totally open line of communication with everyone. I know that I am a valued employee and plan on being with KS for many, many years to come.
At one time.. - MDIMT
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A few years ago, Transcend took down the website because they felt it was causing problems between the MTS,and it was causing a lot of very upset MTs. Many were comparing salaries, complaining of about being overlooked for raises, and felt that there was no equality. It got so bad, and the language was so heated, it caused production to go down, so yes it does happen.

Favorites - Scott

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They don't say anything because they do not care. You (we) are just machines.

Unfair managers - MT

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Definitely some managers are not qualified to be managers and they should be monitored. My manager definitely has favorites. The favorites get all the best work, don't run out of work, get all the info while the "not so favorites" get the worst work and have to fend for themselves. I wish there was something to do about this too...definitely unfair!!

Transcend - Discouraged

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You are correct about the managers, plus they dont respond to emails, or if they do it does not even pertain to the subject, it is like no one really pays any attention to you unless of course you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing. For a big company, I am totally disappointed in their practices.

Transcend - Discouraged here too - MT

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It's hard to keep a good attitude about what I produce when the team leaders and managers dont/wont respond to questions or concerns. I feel like they dont care at all about quality - just dollars in the pocket. I couldn't help but wonder how some people achieved their manager status - until I realized Transcend managers seem to fit a common mold...invisible.

Discouraged???? - MT way too long

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Well if they only respond to you when you are NOT doing what you are suppose to be doing..........that makes sense to me. If they are not on your back and not bugging you then what is the problem? Sounds to me if they are bugging you because you are not doing what you are suppose to be doing then they are doing their job. If they are not bothering you, then you are doing your job. What is the problem. Why the need for the constant dialogue all the time?

Favorites.........WHY? - MT way too long

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I am not trying to cause a stir here but I do have a question. After being in this business nearly 33 years, I don't quite understand WHY, if you work at home, you feel it necessary to communicate with other MTs that you don't see, etc. etc. I thought part of the "draw" of working at home was to keep away from the office politics and exactly this kind of stuff.

What's wrong with just doing your work, asking the appropriate work-related questions of your supervisor and forget all this other business. Who cares if somebody got a birthday card, a kind word, a thank-you note, etc. Why does it matter? That being said, how is it that your "team-mates" know things that your team lead does not?

It seems like the only thing anybody in this business should be concerned about getting these days is more money.

Please dont flame me, I am truly curious as to why you feel it necessary to be "stroked."

I promise you if you will just do your work and then shut the computer down you will feel a whole lot better.

AMEN! - nm - debmt

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I have a question too. - Wondering

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If you can't understand the need to communicate with other MTs that you don't see, why do you network on this board?

I'm not flaming, but I don't see where it is 'stroking' if someone feels slighted that they don't get the same thing their teammate does...especially if it's because the teammate is a friend or a relative of a team leader or account manager. In my day, that was considered nepotism and it wasn't regarded very highly. Why is it any different just because we don't physically see each other?

to wondering - mt way too long

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You say "in your day" so I assume you have been MTing for a very long time? Yes those things are nepotism. But what I DON't understand is how in the world folks who work at home can manage to make it a point to communicate with folks they don't know (or maybe they do know) enough to find out so much information. Nepotism is no different working at home or not working at home but that is not the point here. The point is, we work at home, PERIOD! Obviously it is not the "norm" to know all this information so why make a point to find it out. Who gives a rip what other people do?

There is a difference between networking on a chat board and trying to find out every little thing that is going on in a company when you are not physically there, do not see or interact in person with other folks, etc.

In my opinion, it is absolutely childish and immature to sit around worrying about who is sending who thank you notes, kind words etc. I figure what you don't know won't hurt you and it really doesn't make a difference one way or another. This business has turned into nothing more than a production based bunch of nonsense. When you work on production only and make the low wages we are making now, why waste the time with this nonsense? Most folks went home to work years ago hoping to get away from the "office politics" and I see more "office politics" going on with the folks working at home than in the offices at times. I guess some folks are not going to be happy no matter where or what they do. If there is no trouble, they must find some.

If you have been doing this for a very long time, I am surprised you even have the question!
Who says it's not the norm? - Wondering
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When I first started out working at home, I was an employee of a hospital. Several of us would communicate daily via email. When the MT dept. was outsourced, we had the option of going with the service or finding other employment. We stuck together and many of us have networked for YEARS, adding to our network others that we have worked with in different companies. In fact, Yahoo, Facebook, and others have several MT networks where people have actually....gasp....met in person.

It may not be the norm for YOU, but that doesn't apply to everyone. But since you've chosen to isolate yourself, I'm not surprised that you are...surprised, that is.
not the norm-this is late - MT way too long
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This is several days late posting but I had to answer your "question/comment."

Not everyone working at home came out of a hospital situation into a home situation with the same employer. The majority of folks working at home work for MTSOs. When you do that, you don't know anyone so why try and stir up trouble. There is a difference when you have worked with a group of people. One hospital I worked at for nearly 6 years sent part of us home to work. We all kept in touch. I am talking about "generally." But, then again you know what I am talking about and you are just trying to be nasty. Having done this for over 30 years, when I started at home we didn't have facebook and all this other stuff. There is such a thing as being able to work alone and not have to have the "stroking" and all the nonsense that goes on in an office.

No I did not choose to isolate myself. I chose to work at home. Since I didn't know anyone.......how can you when everybody is scattered across the country, why try and start trouble?

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