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Transcend and games - Seriously?

Posted: May 20, 2010

I am tired of Transcend sending out ridiculous puzzle games.  Do you want us to work or spent 30-40 minutes solving puzzles for a bone? 

The lastest one is match up these facts with your Team Lead.  They posted interesting (well not very) facts about themselves like, "I like to sing"  "I have a cat" blah blah and we have to guess who it is. 

How about this. 

1.  I hate my job.

2.  I don't care about my Team Lead's life all that much.

3.  I LOVE money.

4.  I used to make more money than I do now.

5.  I think puzzle games are for kids.

6.  I now work 12 hours a day instead of 8.

7.  I am not even sure who MY Team Lead is.

8.  I have 10 coffee cups on my desk.

9.  I got sent a star roach clip this week because I am appreciated.



I totally agree - socmom

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1. I now cannot get enough work to maintain full time status.
2. You get a Starbuck's card and I do NOT drink coffee products.
3. You want me to work 7 days a week and not get paid to sit here when there is no work.
4. You tell me things and never follow through.
5. You want me to work extra days just to get some work in and miss my family life.
6. I now also hate my job.

Don't work for Transcend, but - you are killing me.....

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LOL, that is PRICELESS!!! - Too bad you cant do it, lol!

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I'm not a Transcender, so I have to ask if the puzzles/quizzes are really stuff like that, how well you know the team leads, etc.?

Beyond lame but I love YOUR take on it, lol!

Love it!!! Too bad they don't expend some of that wasted energy by keeping us informed - transcender

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about changes on accounts, having a team meeting (what is that, think it has been at least 2 years since I heard of one for my account), or updating the AI sheets, etc. But I get one of those idiotic notes daily telling me about weather, oil spills, cats, dogs, kids, grandkids or whatever trivial even is taking place.

My team lead has never taken the time to call me, only communication is by e-mail when I do something wrong but nowhere can I find where to do it right.

That is FUNNY! sm - Scooby Doobie

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Hey - I'll take that star clip if you really want to get rid of it - I'll put it to good use! ;)

Couldn't agree with you more... - FedUpTranscender

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So glad I am not the only disgusted by these ridiculous games. We sit here most of the day in a complete famine of work, 12 to 14-hour days, still can't make our lines for the day even with multiple accounts, can't pay our bills, and it's amazing how they have the nerve or find the time to participate in such frivolity. Oh wait, I guess they put can all that time creating games under the category of "administrative duties." Screw the 10-cent gifts and the games...I simply want to be able to comfortably pay my bills, feed my family, keep a roof over my head and actually have a life again. Why aren't they spending time figuring out how to make that happen??? Can't wait to be free of this garbage.

HILARIOUS! And OH so true!! I needed that! nm - LOL

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Oh boy, I am so sorry for you, but sm - Former

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thanks for the chuckle. Where do they get the idea that those antics are fun for or motivate anybody? I hope you find something better soon.

Ohhhh, I know, I know - TiredMT

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You are a tired (and irritated) MT, like me!!

This just in.... - sm

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Tomorrow we get to play Mad Libs!!! Oh boy!!! Why not just play pin the tail on your Team Leaders butt or bobbing for pennies or musical chairs where we have to pick an account when the music stops playing and if you didn't get one, oh well! OR a potato sack race with our headsets on and a foot pedal wrapped around our necks?

Foot pedals wrapped around our necks...hahahahahahaha - and headsets on!!!

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You have NO clue how hard I'm laughing reading that.

THAT was epic...Thank you!!!

The visual is hilarious! - NM

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LMAO - so funny - RLee

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They must do these quizzes every year - they did last year as well. They must KNOW people are sitting around waiting for a job to trickle into their pooling and want them to do something besides post on MTSars - LOL

Took you THAT long to complete the games? - Took me less than 5 minutes apiece

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and 5 minutes of my time is worth the chance at a $25 gift card any day of the week.

So some people actually do these? - Wow!

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So you do care about interesting facts regarding Team Leads and their pets? Were you the one who guessed which one had a turtle? rolling eyes....

yeahright - It is only a $5 gift card.

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$25 gift cards - on my team

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R U sure. We were told they were $5 giftcards. - me
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hey, I'd be thrilled with that! we get a stupid mousepad... - which hasnt even got here yet...
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I don't even use mousepads, so it's worthless to me...

no-one is forcing you to play, so just ignore it.nm - anon

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Transcend and Games - Seriously? - Hawkeye

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In answer your your little quiz, you are obviously someone who is unable to produce many lines in your allotted shift, yet you have plenty of time to run to the "chat" board and complain about your company and their practices. You don't appreciate the extra time the Team Leads are spending coming up with activities to celebrate MLS week. And that's okay. Not everyone likes puzzles and games and such. Some people like to lighten their day a tad and take a chance to win a prize. Some people like being part of something bigger than themselves. Some people participate and make work more fun, not whine and complain and make things up like the Team Leads are getting paid to do quizzes and such. They don't get paid for coming up with activities to keep the MLS entertained and motivate others to enjoy their job. They are doing it on their own time because unlike you, they give a crap about their fellow employees, their company and their job. Perhaps if you put more of your energy into working and less of it into whining, you could make a decent living at medical transcription.

If you made more money elsewhere, stop your whining and go back to where you came. Transcend is a GREAT company made up of great people. Obviously, you are just not a good fit for this company.

And, for further reference, next time you have a gripe, quit hiding behind your made up name. Stand up and tell the managers who you are and why you are complaining. I would imagine most of the blame would fall upon your shoulders, not Transcend's!!!!!!!!!!

Well said! - sick of whining

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At least I am not the only one who is getting fed up with all the whining. I am glad you laid it out for the OP. If you hate your job so much, QUIT!!!


I used to work for Transcend and the TLs were very nice and professional.

Sick of Whining - Hawkeye

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Most people at Transcend are professional and do their best to help their fellow employees. Some people just want everything handed to them. Some people don't realize what the word "work" entails. It requires actual work. And there is plenty of it. Not sure what account they are dreaming of where there is no work or not enough of it. There will always be whiners in every company, but I just wanted to set the record straight.
WORK... - Sassy Pants
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is GREAT when U GET IT!! I agree with the complainers, if we don't get work, we don't have lines, and we don't get paid! PERIOD. However, I do also agree with you about quit whining and go elsewhere to work....IF ONLY THERE WERE OTHER JOBS OUT THERE! I know I have applied to numerous jobs since starting VR in March and have yet to get (another) one. You name the job title, I have applied for it. Online, blind ads, newpapers, job match sites, and even temp/job services. So, yeah, I do complain about my work b/c I HAVE NONE! And that is not my fault, especially after being proactive and asking for more work, another account, another team, different shifts, which I will be working 6 days out of 7 and have to meet minimum line requirements so even if I get work it may not be enough. I need to work b/c I DO WANT TO WORK, and I NEED money to pay my bills! And my bills don't wait...anyone else's??
Good grief - no record to set straight. - We are fed up.
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Everyone across the board gets paid less now. Everyone works more hours than they used to. What are you going on about? Do you think we all work 2 hours a day? Real work? How is 12-14 hours a day (including weekends) not real work? Who do you think you are?
There"s a big difference between who she THINKS she is, - and WHAT she most likely is.
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Starts with an "S".

cannot just quit - socmom

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I am not one of the big gripers and like I just said I tried to be positive but now it is hard. I for one cannot just quit. I am a single mom. I have been trying to find something else but it is not always easy especially with some specialty area. I wish I could just quit. I complain on here because my family and friends do not understand this business but my peers in this business do. It makes me feel a bit better sometimes to vent. That is why this board is here not for judgement of others. I understand you had a good experience and I tried to make mine one but broken promises and other issues make that hard.
socmom - sm
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The first response to every gripe is "well quit." The second thing that happens is someone comes on telling us how NICE the TLs and supervisors are. Nice? What does nice have to do with anything? There are a lot of nice people in the world. Nice doesn't pay the bills and a $25 or $5 gift card doesn't either. I don't want a Subway or Starbucks. I want RealBucks!

I agree with you. Venting helps and don't feel bad for doing that.

Obviously I ticked off one of the Team Leads - Seriously?

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YOU SAID - "Some people like being part of something bigger than themselves?"

That is so lame, I don't even know how to respond.

I produce just fine. In fact, I do twice as many lines as I used to and get paid half. I was being sarcastic, not angry. You sound very angry.

Some people like puzzles to lighten up their day and some people like sarcastic humor. You have to admit that "getting to know your Team Leads" is kinda lame and getting sent a roach clip is funny. Sometimes you just have to laugh. Calm down!

Her words sound like "corporate speak" to me. - Deathstar - n/msg

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A couple of things - Just wondering.... - Seriously?

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When did I say Leads get paid to do quizzes?

What blame would fall on my shoulders exactly? Do you mean it is my fault for getting paid less than I did 10 years ago or that I don't like doing puzzles? Which one is my fault? The 10 coffee cups on my desk is my fault, did you mean that?

Am I not a good fit for the company because I don't like puzzles or that it takes me 30 minutes to do them instead of 5? Or is it because I don't know which Lead likes to sing?

Is Hawkeye their code for letting you know they are keeping an eye on you now? - Interesting choice of words

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That sure reads like a management post to me but I don't work at Transcend so I admittedly don't know how they operate (except for the horror stories I've read here).

FWIW, I really enjoyed your post. Sarcasm, IMO, is a gift and you displayed yours quite well. If they can't take a joke, well...you know what they can do :-)
I thought the same thing about Hawkeye...LOL - Seriously?
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I'm sure the TLs are nice people, but sometimes you just gotta laugh :)

Hawkeye - ROFL.
Maybe you should be Hot Lips - Since they have such a good sense of humor
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LOL...someone took your good-humored post a bit too seriously. Maybe they just skipped their Metamucil.
Hawkeye is acting more like Frank Burns smooch smooch - bah ha
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mmeeep. - nm

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woaaaa - socmom

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I can only speak for myself in saying I was one of the ones giving them the benefit of the doubt when they took over MDI. I am continously told lies that never happen and now I have no work most of the time so that is why I personally come to the boards because I am sitting and babysitting my account so I can grab a job or two. I am sure there are great people but I have not experienced a lot of that lately. Broken promises and lack of work that will put my son and I in the poor house soon. I for one have spoken up to my higher ups and the liason and I am still having problems. We do not say our real names because that is our choice. How rude! Some experience good and some bad and those of us with bad have a right to vent a bit. I am a single mom who has went above and beyond for this company and tried to communicate with everyone above me with only promises made and not followed through with so before you judge think about that.

Hmmm - definitely a rebuttal from management!! - RLee

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Just saying - you must be on one of the upper rungs of the ladder or maybe one of the captians of their ship, which should be called the "Deadliest Catch." You do not sound like one of the deckhands trying to make a living for sure. Most people on this board do hide behind a made up name - is Hawkeye your REAL name??? Obviously the hawk's eye is paying attention to the posts on this board. A hawk is a "predator" bird if I am not mistaken. Seagull would probably fit as well seeing as though you are probably one of the captains - LOL.

Seriously? - Nick

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WOW, I cannot believe that Transcend is stooping to this kindergarten level. It just goes to show you that whoever is making up this drivel for questions is not an MT. Why don't THEY grow up and show a little professionalism? The question game is disheartening and disgusting.

I've been watching your posts, Nick... - I like your style

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You call it like you see it. I like that. I always make it a point to read your posts.

That's all...

You like my style - Nick

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Thank you. I am just disgusted with the way MTs are treated. Why not tell it like it is?

P.S. Martial arts are my hobby; too bad I can't go one on one with some MTSO. :0-

Here are my game clues: - Ribbit

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1. I actually do have a cat.

2. The cat eats better than I do.

3. I have coffee cups on my desk, but I can't find them because my desk is too messy.

4. I've been doing MT for SO long, that I even remember the olden days, when we were actually paid for transcription.

5. I work for a huge MT company that aspires to be just like MQ. So far they are succeeding.

6. I hate our anal QA department.

7. I am usually depressed.

8. I work 60-hour weeks, but only get paid for 40 of them.

9. I don't remember the last time I deposited money in my savings account. Or if I even have a savings account. I don't know, because I haven't been there to deposit money in years.

10. I have a starfish.

LMAO...Awesome! - No message

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This was great, thanks for the laugh! nm - websta

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