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Transcend Keep Their Promises? - kat2009

Posted: Dec 30, 2010

Transcend is taking over my hospital's transcription effective tomorrow - 1/1/11. They have offered jobs to the current transcriptionists with the promise they can continue to type for this hospital. How long does this last? Is it bait-and-switch? Anyone have experience with this?

Transcend and promises? - Shadow

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Good luck to you! Read below. Expect pay cut per CPL. They may insist on employee status, promise the moon, deliver very little but aggravation and grief, heartburn and pressure. If they offer you IC status, expect your job to disappear after 6 months. Word to the wise: Buyer beware! Take the job but keep your eyes wide open, watch your step and start looking for something else.

Agree...but they won't promise the moon-they'll tell you off the bat on conference call... - Relieved

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...that your pay is being immediately cut, and that offshore or VR is likely in your future for your account(s)...THEN they'll cut your pay even lower (I would add LOL but there's nothing funny about people getting robbed of once being able to make a decent living from hard work).

Transcend - kat2009

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Thank you to all who replied to my question. There were a lot more "nays" than "yays".

Asking Transcend for a RAISE :) - PT

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This may be a funny question to ask, but I, too, have received a 1 cpl pay cut after being given the option of termination or becoming an employee, so I'm wondering how likely it would be to be granted a raise after 2 or 3 months at this decreased rate of pay. Any thoughts?

Promises - Transcend MT

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When Transcend took over my company this year, I stayed on my accounts. They might add extra people to it though to keep it in TAT, and there may be less work than you are used to.

I am still on the same account that I was on - when my company SM

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was bought out last year. However, I no longer am able to have a particular work type come up first in my pooling (after stats) which was something I had before. It is done by TAT with all work types, and only TLs (I believe) can pick and choose. I also had my CPL decreased at first, and then further decreased with VR.

VR? - PT

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I haven't encountered any VR yet, and I hope not to. I have noticed also that some obviously can pick and choose, or at least have the capability to see who has dictated reports. It's being abused, and it's not fair. It can be extremely frustrating. I'd like cherry picking to be a thing of the past.

Expect to feel as though you'll get fired... - …Jean

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Transcend makes you feel as though you will get fired any minute, at first. They tell you nothing good about your work in the beginning, only bad and that continually. However, I think that is probably true of all services. They also tell you that if you have a problem with the report to send it in to QA but then they really get mad if you send in too muchâ€Â¦and of course you're led to believe that you can send in as much as you want in the beginning. Pretty soon they will just ignore it and you'll never hear any feedback. They cut you no slack....I made a mistake (lack of a cosignature) on the first report I ever did on an account when I started and I immediately notified the team leader that it was important for that to be there and that I had forgotten to put it there, and the next day I was kicked off the account with a nasty note from the ROM, for one mistake, on the first day I ever tried the account. Also, if it's the same hospital you were working for, maybe you'll get out of only getting to type 5 reports a day for either 3 or 5 days....it means you will get no money! You will not be on an hourly rate any more, and the benefits will be a lot skimpier than you are used to. They used to average your lines once a quarter to know what to pay you for your paid time off. Now, I believe that all you get is the equivalent of $12.00 an hour, no matter how much you produce or what your average lines are. Therefore, expect a further pay cut every time you want to take a day off (since at least for the first 3 years you will not be getting any more than 5 days off....for time off, for sick time off AND FOR HOLIDAYS). And it used to be that for the first year, you got NO paid time off. Not even the 5 days, but I think they did away with that. And they never give pay raises. I asked for one after 3 years, they said no, and I quit. You do get your pay on time. The M-Modal platform for editing is not very good and if you are a high producer now with typing the reports, you will generally not be able to nearly double your output with editing in order to keep your same pay. I wound up losing around $200 to $300 a paycheck. Their IT Department is good if you have a problem. Sorry to sound so pessimistic about Transcend, but they are a big outfit and the only pay that I have seen go up is the CEO's.

Transcend promises - Current Transcend employee

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Yes, Transcend keeps their promises. My account didn't change after they took over and I've still had the same amount of work I had before.

kat2009 - Silent Night

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I was with MDI when Transcend gobbled it up. Let's just say that the representations made were not what happened. I quit. It was either that or declare bankruptcy. Be careful. Whatcha see ain't necessarily whatcha get. Caution!

You are so very right in your statement - Former Transcend MT

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I was one of the MTs who went from MDI to Transcend, and what a mistake that was. Everything that was said about the disaster this created with MTs jobs is totally correct!! They do not keep their promises, and your pay does go down. Work is taken away and I have seen overhiring and then your work dwindles away on the accounts. It was a horribly frustrating experience and one I don't want to repeat. I have worked for Transcend 2 different times in many years, and they have always done the same thing, especially with the people they have in charge. They are pretty ruthless and don't care what you want or if you have something taken away, which is why so many, many MTs have left. If you do research on Transcend here, you will get the same opinions over and over again.

Stay Away from Transcend !!! - MTsince1987

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What a nightmare!! My team lead quit without notice (wonder why?) and the ROM and AROM do not know what is going on. When they finally assigned a new team lead, I would get different information on a daily basis from the ROM, AROM and team lead and then add the new Human Resources team. They sent out emails about how great the transition would be to ASR, but they forgot about the MTs who kept the company going. I kept getting emails from the supposed wonderful new HR Team and could never even get anyone to get back with me. Expect daily emails about whose the new person is, in charge of what, which changes from week to week. Expect countless upaid hours on calls with support for "glitches" they cannot fix. Expect to do team calls on day shift when your working nights. Also, they will ask you to work nights and then days, all within the same week. Also, they will say your QA is fine for 2 years and then all of a sudden I got different feedback from different QA people, none of which matched the Accounts Specifics and they were also making changes to that on a daily basis. I went for a month with NO WORK, after arranging daycare and my entire households' schedule, only to sit down and not have anything to type or edit on third shift. If I could get anyone to reply to my emails, it was literally a different answer from each person. They constantly have jobs posted because it would be impossible for anyone with any experience in this industry to stay with them. That is, unless you are a team lead or QA. They cherry pick the easy accounts for themselves and divvy out the more difficult work to the hundreds of people they have sitting around waiting for work. For almost a year they were trying to transition to ASR and they made it so confusing to be trained on ASR, you would think you were in training for neurosurgery. That is how complicated that company is. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Expect belligerant yelling from your ROM on team calls too, about why her team lead quit. That is how they operate. Within 2 weeks of starting for a new company I was doing the ASR and passing QA with no problems. On top of it, they have my reference of 2-1/2 years of working for them listed as terminated for job abondonment. I quit and forgot about them because after 1 month of nothing but BS, I was ready to be out on the street. I need income as much as the team leads and supervisors and had to start working. Now they have the nerve to list me as terminated. How could I abondon work and supervisors that were not there to begin with? DUH. Stay away from the company!!!

relax and hang in there. - sm

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I had all the same concerns you are probably having, as I came in with a merger/buyout. They have kept all their promises to me. Sometimes it was confusing in a group email or conference call, as they would say conflicting things. But when I would take it directly to team leader or higher if I had a concern, promises were and still are always kept. From my vantage point, it is as good as ever, but with the added security of more accounts if one needs another. Even the size of the company did not make it less personal. I am very glad I did not jump ship. The waters are murky out there and there are not too many good companies to work for from home that have financial stability. I'd recommend going with the flow and giving it 4-6 months before making any change. Happy new year!

kat2009 - tired MT

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I was with a merger to Transcend (not MDI)and I stuck it out for a year, which was about 11 months too long. The main account I was on they lost. The second account I was on I kept but the work dwindled because of too many additional people working it. I asked repeatedly for more work, was told no. I kept asking and finally got a couple of more backup accounts that were totally worthless as there was not enough work. Then went to VR, which is a joke, and could not make my line count to keep benefits, so I finally left and my stress level has significantly lightened. I would suggest sticking it out for now but start looking to find another job. There are not a lot of good ones out there, but they do come up every now and again. Good luck.

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