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Terra Nova, no jobs available on my account tonight - TN MT

Posted: Nov 26, 2012

Hi:  I am hoping that a Terra Nova MT sees this note and can help me out.  I am on a very busy account, but tonight I have only gotten 1 job, and I hope someone answers this so I am not so upset.  This account has never, ever run out of work, and it makes me concerned.  Maybe it is just the season? Thanks:)

Terra Nova - barbv

[ In Reply To ..]
I just saw your note - I too have logged in last night and this morning, have emailed 2 people, and there is no response. I think there must be a glitch at the hospital and that is the holdup. But I wish someone would let us know!

We had some work, now out again - barbv

[ In Reply To ..]
I wish somebody would let us know what is going on. I know there is a lot of backlog to be done. No response to emails!

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