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RE: MTSO no pay list - tulip

Posted: Jun 22, 2012

Perhaps they should require that MTSOs to keep an escrow account with at least one month's payroll intact.

I keep hearing these horror stories of MTs not getting paid, what's going on out there?

MTSO no pay list - juicyjoe

[ In Reply To ..]
Who would "they" be and how would they enforce that?

escrow enforcement - tulip

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it would have to be a court order, a law passed, perhaps the labor board?

if I was another type of independent contractor, say a general construction contractor, and I did some work around your house, if you did not pay, I, as a general contractor could place a lein against your home. we really have no recourse presently other than to hire an attorney, and you know that my attorney will not work for .04/.08 per line, lol.

we have the same opportunities as a general construction - contractor or any contractor - sm

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They have to take you to small claims court. We have to take these companies to small claims court. If they are a small unincorporated, mom-and-pop company, you take them to court, win your judgment and file liens against any property and against their wages from the company they contract with. It's no different than any other contractor. And you get to assess interest on the money owed - each state has their own percentage you are allowed to charge.
same opportunities - tulip
[ In Reply To ..]
True, not the same type of security as an escrow account that cannot be touched unless they have not paid their MTs and only to be used for MTs.

Plus you have to pay the court fees, wait for a hearing, and most of us need to be paid on time and regularly as agreed upon when hired.

I like the labor board's fines better. You are entitled to up to 30 day's pay if not paid within that 30-day period. Of course, as an IC, most wont get that privi. It's very sad.

I wonder how they would define at-risk MTSOs?

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