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Proscript. Am I the only one digging a deeper hole? sm - Arm fell off

Posted: Jan 16, 2010

I type and type and make less money than ever.  The VR is clumsy and doesn't recognize half of what it should after all this time.  Extra keystrokes adding headings, etc.  What a waste!  I used to make decent money, but they frittered away their decent accounts leaving trash accounts.  I feel like slave labor.  I made much more money than this 10 years ago!

You're not the only one. Fellow slave here. (SM) - SM

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Their VR is a joke. It's awkward at best and isn't learning a thing. If anything, it's getting worse. I'm sure that's because there's no one at the company who knows how to properly set it up, or at least they're not bothering to. They spend all of their time sending out their "update" emails and making phone calls to fire people.

What a pit it has become.

Which VR platform are they using? - ExLandmarker

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I left because of the lack of work. I knew they were planning on bringing in VR but I don't believe I was ever told which platform.

I'm sorry for you guys...It sounds like it's even worse than it was when I left.

M-Modal/AnyModal, and it stinks -- - SM

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Yeah, they've made a lot of changes recently, none of them good for the MT but good, I'm sure, for the ever-increasing number of leads and supervisory-type positions. They keep firing the good, long-term employees and bringing on new know-nothings who then treat the MTs like crap. Everyone I know is scrambling to get out a.s.a.p.

Proscript - disheartened

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The company management cares nothing about the MTs as is obvious by the recent changes that have been made to the detriment of the MTs. I have worked extra hours trying to make up the deficit in pay and am still losing megabucks!! The VR stinks with all the tweaking that we MTs must make to put out a decent document. By tweaks, I mean bugs which management should be overseeing and correcting. Please tell me there is a decent company out there!!!!

Proscript - older MT

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I wasn't going to make this public, but I feel that I must. Whatever you do, do not trust DTS America. I know there are archives on them, but I left recently and know other MTs left in the last 6 months because they constantly call their MTs on their scheduled days off to work. Their helpdesk is in India and these middle eastern tech people call and leave messages on the employee's answering machines constantly. They have absolutely no respect for an MT's committed working schedule. I worked for them a little over 2 years and repeatedly asked that they stop calling and was always told it would stop and it did temporarily and resumed again. I think it is their company policy to harass their MTs to work on their days off. I found it sickening and even called U.S. Dept. of Labor because I wondered if there was a line they had crossed as a company. Just another reason to hate India...

Don't hate India, hate the greed in this country. - nm

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I miss the "old days" - older MT
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Started in my younger 20s in a clinic and was trained first on a middle eastern oncologist; now in my 40s. Typed progress notes right onto charts, selectric typewriters with and without correction key, used white out in every color, listened to microcassettes and large cassettes, and carried charts back and forth to doctor's offices when finished. Not kidding, I miss it. Got paid by the hour with full benefits, had human contact with the nurses and physicians and camaraderie with other MTs. It was a nice environment. Even remember "pot luck dinner" days! Don't laugh, I miss those times, they seemed simple and not corrupt like they are now!! :(
Yeah, I started in house at a large Midwest hospital and - SM - SM
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- was paid by the hour, with great benefits (until they eventually went to the by-line scheme (thanks, AAMT, for pushing that)). We had contact with the docs and their staff, and we even had a monthly contest for "best dictator," the winner getting a big basket of homemade cookies and brownies (made by the transcription supervisor, no less).

Wow, have things gone to h***.

Funny, same thing as Precyse - ex-MT

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Precyse did the very same thing when the "mts" in India could not keep up, began calling all hours of the day and night wanting the US MTs to help out and bring them back into TAT. LOL. Glad to be rid of them too. What a joke of a company.

Have lost at least 40% of my pay...sm - Arm fell off

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No joke about my arm falling off; only disability would get me out of this hole.

Is this the account they are hiring for on the JS board? - ExLandmark

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They put a job up within the last day ro two on the JS board that, I believe, is for VR.

Not only is LM pay ridiculously low for VR, add to it that inferior platform and it's like a recipe for bankruptcy.

My sympathies to those of you still there trying to make the best of a bad situation.

I think they mean editors (as in QA), since they just fired a bunch. NM - nm

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