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Probity - feedback on this company - Allison

Posted: Sep 12, 2010

Can you give me feedback on this company and how long it takes to get lines built up. Possibly starting with them in the future if I pass testing

Doable - Snickers

[ In Reply To ..]
I worked there for 3 years. They do not offshore and do not use VR. You will want to pull up the online account specs and keep them handy because they are different for every account. You will get cleared only on one or two accounts to start off. The rehab account has a lot of ESL but the specs are kept updated so you know what to do. They absolutely go by account specs and BOS. They had samples posted as well. QA was helpful to me and the supervisors were decent. You will want to get a good expander and have a working knowledge of keyboard shortcuts. They expect you to work your schedule and are upfront about that. It took me ten days to get cleared on the account and another three weeks after that to start building up. Hope this helps. I left simply because I was able to get back to an inhouse job.

Probity - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
I worked for them 1ess than a week about 3 yrs ago. Reports were awful, QA was like an English teacher. Always on your back.

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