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Line deductions - feeling gypped

Posted: Dec 15, 2011

Lines are deducted from my count on each report I transcribe or edit for a particular account, for headers and footers. This is understandable, except I have just realized the deduction is always made at the transcribed line rate, even though 90% of the work on this account is editing. So, I am being charged back more than twice what was paid for these lines.  Is this legal?

Congratulations on having an eagle eye - anon

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You've probably just stumbled onto one of the zillions of ways our companies are pilfering money from us that we've never been aware of. I can't address the "legality" of your discovery but I can tell you that it's dispicably unethical and it's apparently been a very secretive way for your company is stealing from you.

If your report is editing, then the amount deducted should be your editing rate. If your report is straight typing, then the amount deducted should be your straight typing rate. I not only would call them to the mat on this ASAP but I would also post their name loud and clear on this board so that other employees can be made aware of it too. I would shout their name from the rooftops if that happened to me.

Labor Board might find that interesting....... - Meerkat (nm)

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I believe it is not legal - ...

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Good observation and smart thinking on your part.

You are indeed being docked more than twice what was paid for these lines.

I agree with the posters above. I would take it to the Dept of Labor if this cannot be remedied by your company -- and that means they have to correct your pay retroactively, not just starting now!

Smart woman!

Thanks for posting, Line. I'll start watching. If you iwere - to start stating that

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you could not recommend this company on threads asking about it, people would be free to reach whatever conclusions they chose.

I do not at all understand what you said. - nm

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Thank you all for the replies...I'll let you know what happens - feeling gypped

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I really appreciate the encouragement. Will keep the company name out of it for now, give them a chance to make it right first (and hopefully for everyone), but if you work for a large national that has line deductions, I suggest you double check the figures and/or ask your manager how it's calculated.

Did ya think... - nowayjose

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Now its possible that you're 100% right and they are bilkin you,but I worked a place that did this as well, and calculated the lines for edited reports at 50% (it was 6 lines for headers, but they only counted 3 lines for them on edited reports). Just a possibility. Perhaps before flying off the handle approaching management with a level head and cool demeanor might net you some answers that will put your concerns to rest.

Again not saying you're wrong, but instead going into it steaming mad and fists up, which will only probably get you fired, if you contact them in a calm manner you might get a reasonable response.

Yes, I did think and verified the numbers are the full deduction - feeling gypped

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before I posted. Have also contacted account manager, who acknowledges all lines deducted throughout company are at transcribed rate and sees no problem with that. Not steaming mad, just frustrated that slashing our line rates doesn't seem to be enough for them, they have to add insult to injury this way. I have looked on the DOL site, but have not found any rule against this there. Hard to search on that site though, it is not very user friendly IMO.
Wage Theft - totally unconscionable - sm
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So you would actually be better off if the document you were editing bore no headers for which you could be docked! You are actually losing money by looking at the header. Unbelievable.

Don't give up on the Dept of Labor: Call them and speak to a representative, and refer to your pay being docked. Wage theft is not looked upon fondly by the DOL.

Further, you might want to ask the Acct Mgr for a copy of that policy in writing.

Can you imagine the money they make by bilking thousands of employees 3 cents for every header? Wow!

nowayjose - ...

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Just another viewpoint here, but I did not detect the OP as "flying off the handle" or "going into it steaming mad and fists up". I interpreted the post as rather calm, myself.

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