A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I did some research and have found that at least according to Federal Government guidelines, you can deduct home office expenses if you are an employee. The one big stipulation is that you are working at home because it is convenient for the employer. In other words, they cannot provide you with an office. Of course, in our case that is a no-brainer. The rest was pretty straight forward and much the same and I am doing now for tax deductions as an SE. My accountant is up to date on all changes, so he keeps me well advised.
I am posting my findings because some of us at MDI think that losing our SE status (which stinks) means we will no longer be able to take home office expenses as deductions. That is not true. However, it may vary where states are concerned. I suggest that those who are going to be employees for Transcend research their own state's criteria to see how that works.
I am leaning towards IC status but it is so confusing at this time as to what the criteria is for Transcend to do this that I may just give up and take PT employee status. I still do not think it is fair for PT employees to lose the 1/2 cpl when they have no benefits other than the 401K. That is the one thing that keeps preventing me from making the choice out right at this time. I have emailed the appropriate people to ask this and depending on their answer I will make my decision then. Good luck to all of us in this confusing and muddled time.