A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

LANDMARK . . . most of the search I have done . . . sm - mt

Posted: May 16, 2010

shows pretty happy people here.  Are you concerned about going to VR?  Would like to know if now is a good time to join the company or not.   How is the VR with landmark?

Run out of work. Rude manager. - Touch and go accounts

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My friend works for Landmark and runs out of work all the time. I sent in a resume in response to an ad and no one called. Why they run ads is a mystery because current employees are running out of work and they don't answer when you do send them a resume.

Strange company.

Agree about resume - op pro

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I send resume in response to ad for MTs to do OPs and never got a response back. I have many years experience and could work hours required.

VR at Landmark - Happy Landmark MT

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I haven't done any VR for Landmark. I frankly don't even know if they have any! I love the owners, they are awesome, fair and kind. The QA specialist is awesome as well, cannot ask for a better place to rest your transcription roost.

The owners do not respond to resumes. - Kind or inept

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Stupid to run ads and never respond to resumes that are obviously qualified MTs.

Well as much of a courtesy as it might be....... - an

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I am sure they don't have time to respond to EVERY SINGLE resume they receive. They do hire who they want and if you didn't hear back, obviously they found someone just as qualified, if not more so, for the job.

Happy Landmark MT - BlackSwan

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I am in my third year of working for Landmark, none of which has consisted of VR. I have plenty of work. The QA specialist knows more than anyone I have ever worked with, and she is kind as well. I seldom have need to speak with the owners, but they are very decent, kind people and have always been very professional and accommodating on the rare occasion that I have had a need to speak with them. I have been in the MT world for many, many years and have never been as happy as I am at Landmark.

to Happy Landmark MT . . . - mt

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I was told I would be part-time employee status. Do you find them flexible to work with as far as schedules go? She said I would just be asked to tell them how many lines a day and approximately what time I would be doing that. How does the flexibility work for you?
Flexible!! - So Happy I Found Landmark!
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They are the most flexible company to work for.. they truly mean it when they say.. just tell them how many lines a day and approximately what time. They need to know that to make sure you have the work available to you. They are awesome flexible.
Must be overhiring...??? - dmz
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I did some stuff for them for a month, part time, was told when I started they didn't know where to put me at that point...Ended up being told that the acct I was training on was "lost" effective within 2 hours of the email and that there were no other positions open. Very flexible with training and nice to deal with. Just wish I could have gotten on a different acct.
reason for being flexible - NotNewMT
[ In Reply To ..]
They over hire and then have no work. Many of their accounts are overflow and have sporadic work available. It's easy for a company to be so flexible if you are willing to be available many hours per day in order to find enough lines to generate an income. They are included in a group of companies who are subcontractors for the same accounts. Good luck making a living with this company.

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