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The search for a good MT... - ndmt

Posted: Jun 15, 2010

I am just really troubled about this post that good MTs are hard to find.  While I agree there are bound to be some people that are not cut out for the MT business, I am just wondering how long MTSOs are going to allow that standard to continue.  This is some of my experience:

I have been hired by a MTSO that has been in business for 10 years yet not 1 single MT in the office. No one had a clue as to the account specs or ever worked on the platform. There was no training offered, some brief samples of selected really difficult authors, and the most abrasive QA I have ever experienced. I got hired and signed a contract for 1000 lines a day.  I never had close to that much work available in a day, and then the work completely dried up at which point I didn't hear from the company for a month. About that time, they had Christmas overflow and wanted to know when I was going to work, but I told them I had moved on since it had been so long since there was any work in my queue and no one responded to my e-mails.

My daughter graduated Career Step and got a job with the monster MTSO. As a new graduate, they offered her level 3 based on her experience (???) and almost fired her for not getting 98% QA. Upon reviewing the jobs she submitted, QA couldn't even fill in most of the blanks. She was allowed to stay for a while longer, but was always being berated for not doing enough lines for minimum wage yet when she pushed, her QA scores dropped. Even though she asked, she was never placed on a level 1 account. She eventually quit but they would have let her limp along doing work way over her head.

I also tried a part-time job with a company who paid 3 cpl for VR (I was desperate at that point), and their QA was paid 3.5 CPL to go through all my reports. There were so many corrections to what they called client style that I knew I was not going to work out. I left after 2 days as my style was way different than what they wanted. I e-mailed my supervisor telling her this was not a good fit, and she asked me to stay and fulfill my 2 weeks notice even though I was on 100% QA. So, essentially they were paying 6.5 CPL for every single report I did after that...double what they normally would have...and they weren't improving their TAT at all.

I can think of more examples, but my point is this...in each instance you could say the MT was not a quality MT or was not a good employee, but the MTSO never took any action. MTSOs are trading quality and good employees for the cheapest line rate. Those MTs that have held jobs for any duration probably think they are great employees since it is pretty impossible to get fired in this industry. I laugh every time I hear an MTSO say their MTs don't treat this like a real job...hey, neither do you and yet you're the dummy who cuts them a paycheck week after week after week.

Here are some of the suggestions I would make to any MTSO...

1.  One good MT is worth 2 or 3 bad ones.  Make your good employees feel valued and compensate them accordingly. Cut out the ones producing minimum lines or less or who need too much QA and take the cost of their benefits package and give your highest quality highest producers a raise. There are some of us who are dragging a little bit because we have had to take second jobs to pay the rest of the bills. Give us a chance and we'll step up to the plate - we would love to work 1 job again.

2.  Guarantee us a wage like a real job, and we will treat it like a real job.  I am willing to produce my butt off, but when I know there is always no work Monday mornings, I am not as likely to want to sit down and stare at a blank screen. I will probably be on the phone, doing a little laundry, or checking e-mail instead of working and I know you will just send an e-mail later saying that I owe lines or hours. I am more than happy to keep a set schedule and always be at work when I say I will if I am not expected to gamble on whether there is work or not and have to come back later if I lose the bet. Trust me, if I don't want to work at a job with a guaranteed minimum wage, someone else will, so you won't have to keep MTs who don't produce, show up for work, sit too long in jobs, etc.

3.  Pay a decent shift differential. Obviously, there is more help needed on the evening and weekend shifts or we wouldn't have offshoring problems. Do you know why bartenders love evenings and weekends...MONEY. Do you know why furniture salesmen love Sunday afternoons...MONEY. Do you know that an additional $7 a day is probably not enough of an attraction for people to want to give up every evening or 1 day every weekend? Be serious.  If you have to constantly invite people to get back on the system in the evenings because there is too much work, you need to make it more attractive to work evenings, and if you always have people available who need to get back on, your day shifts are overloaded.

Anyone else have any ideas?

I like your ideas and share in the frustration. - An MT who works every weekend

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I am an experienced MT who has been doing every specialty and every type of report you can imagine... for 25 years. I have been at job for about 9 months now and I think I have more than proven myself. They can always count on me and I think they know that. I have a good rapport with the team leads. Lately though I can hardly put in a complete 8-hour day. I am just dragging and those 8 hours feel like 10.

I also work the second shift and every single weekend, my days off are Tues and Wed. I started on one platform at over 4 cpl and then was switched to another one (better), but took a cut in pay to about 3.5 cpl. Right then I felt defeated. When I became available to receive benefits like PTO and health and dental insurance, I looked over the health insurance and found that I could not afford to pay nearly $200 a month. That would not have been so bad, but what really got me was the $5000 deductible. I mean, my gosh, that is just outrageous. I declined the insurance because of that and then ended up in the ER one night about 6 weeks ago with a kidney stone and had some followup appointments after that. I had passed a 5 mm stone but there remains a 9 mm stone in my left kidney. It might stay there forever or it might try to pass, (God, I hope not). If that happens and gets stuck in the ureter then I am probably looking at emergency surgery and probably about $50,000 hospital bill. Didn't mean to go into such detail about that but therein lies my frustration. I am really between a rock and a hard place.

I asked for a small raise, figuring I had some leverage because I declined that health insurance. No such luck. I asked for different hours, not every weekend, or even less hours (as I think life is just passing me by) and I don't have enough free time to enjoy it, money or not. They said if I did that they could not guarantee me work if I worked part time, PLUS I would get a cut in pay!!! A cut in pay... jeesh already.

My point is just what you say in your post. One good MT is worth maybe 2 or 3. I am that ONE good MT. I really know my stuff, hardly ever send anything to the que. Am very organized, and pretty much know what the doc is gonna say before he says it. This is just "in my blood" and yet feel very under-appreciated.

At my age now of 62 I just do not have the energy to look for another job and maybe find something worse than this situation. I could learn to live on little, as I am so in debt with medical bills not to mention the IRS when I was an IC, that I am becoming like a robot so to speak. It just makes me very sad that they cannot pay someone with tons of experience more than 3.5 cpl.

Sorry, I don't have any solutions or ideas, but just lots of frustration. Thanks for this post. You speak of which I know to be true.

I agree - see message - Anonymous

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To the OP, thank you for your excellent post, I agree with all that you are saying. You mentioned your daughter and I did want to ask about Career Step. Did she have a positive experience and feel that she got a good education?

I think Career Step offered a good education (I went there as well), - ndmt

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but who she went to work for drove her out of the profession. Since they bought out the only other company who hired a majority of new graduates, I would think seriously about that aspect of it. I was very upset about the treatment she got.
To ndmt - SM - Anonymous
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I asked about Career Step because I am currently doing their medical coding and billing program. I like it and just wondered if you were satisfied with the transcription course, thanks.

Good MTs - magsnfla

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Agree with the first 2 posts here completely. My QA score has been 99+% for over 2 decades and I've done everything except pathology. I responded to that post from the supposed MTSO who said she couldn't find good MTs. She replied by email, I sent my cover letter and resume and haven't heard back from her. How many MTs does she get with 25+ years experience and near perfect QA scores? I also have worked weekends for the past 3 years, only missed one Saturday which I let the client know 2 weeks in advance. I'm good, I'm reliable and I'm willing - what is wrong with these MTSOs?

To the first two posters - An

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I just really want to thank the first two posters for taking the time to put together such well thought out posts. It shows that a post can be negative or even simply venting while being articulate, informative and well, classy.

I have a hard time figuring out how much of the problem is the "bad" MTSOs and how much is the "bad" employees. Unfortunately, I think that the "bad" employees cause the MTSOs to over regulate thus taking away some of the perks that the good ones used to enjoy. Then again, I have also seen unreasonable greed in this field too! (I.e. not paying for spaces, templates, headers, etc.) Not to mention the "bad" economy and the globalization of all kinds of work.

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