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Keys That Please E-mail - smeeps

Posted: Feb 15, 2015

I've been out of the MT game for 6 months now and got this email stating she's responding to MY interest in her ad(of course, I don't remember).  Any info on her/company??  She wanted to to complete my test but forgot to attach the tst fileLaughing

Keys That Please - Suspicious Eyes

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I got the same email. I had applied in the beginnnig of 2014 and she is just responding now?? I did look up her company. It looks like she owns a very small transcription service in CA. I got the test, very easy to do. You get the voice file on Express Scribe (which you need a private version of on your computer to take the test) and the work is on WORD. Well, I returned the test. When I did not hear back, I emailed (she will not give you her phone number) and she told me she is in the middle of testing 40 people, and it would take a while to get back to me.

My question is... why is she testing 40 people? Even Nuance does not test 40 people at a time. So, my thought is this... She got herself into a bind with a large amount of work to do, so she is contacting people who have applied before to her company to actually DO the work for her, while telling us that it is a test for her company. Got a little suspicious when this "test" had to be put on her specific template, with specific margin settings, etc. If it were just a test, why would she care if it was on her template or not?

I have heard of this tactic in the past with some MT services. They actually use your TEST and submit it as work to their accounts to get them out of a hole, while not having to pay us for the work.

Censored Post Title - smeeps

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Sue Fordyce was in the title of my original post. Someone, certainly not me, took it out.

Censored - Suspicious eyes

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It's a scam. Stay away from it. We have enough problems in this business without someone trying to scam us. Lower than low!

I do not know who can censor the posts, though.
Scam? - Longtimemt
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I got the same e-mail with very detailed instructions, I immediately became suspicious, with her telling us to create a macro, and giving a list of all providers, I have never tested for a company who cared about whether or not you spelled providers names wrong and having to translate some words from Spanish to English? Pay would be okay since it is a line is a line but I did not take the test, do not want to work for somewhat with 400 applications and a year later still cannot find anyone to do the job, in her own words in the e-mail. Contacts me a year after I responded to her ad and wants someone who can start immediately, then says to give her a little time to get back to me because she is sending to 40 MTs? I immediately decided this one was not for me.
Decided not to test, sent her an email - smeeps
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Still going to stay out of MT unless really, really desperate..

This is a total scam. - You are essentially doing HER job for her.

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I had a friend who was offered a job much in the same way (but not in MT). This gal had her typing up checks and cutting them and then using her money (my friend is an idiot) to send those checks fed-ex. I warned her not to do it and after two weeks of struggling to get paid for the work she had done, she finally realized she had been scammed.

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