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Is there any other contact number for Focus Informatics..... - me

Posted: Mar 05, 2010

besides Freddie Martins' number?  His is the only number I have and I have emailed him a couple of times and called one time, but no response back yet.  I was hired with Focus and supposed to be starting hopefully the 9th, but I have not gotten a response from sending in my I-9 form or the other forms they were supposed to send me.  Was thinking maybe something unexpected happened with Freddie for him to be out and may need to contact someone else for now?  But no contact number. 


focus - oldone

[ In Reply To ..]
If I'm not mistaken, (been a while) this is the company that tested me, interviewed me, told me "I had what they wanted." I sent in a bunch of paperwork they e-mailed me and was scheduled for yet another interview and then heard nothing at all. I called and got voicemail. I repeatedly e-mailed. Then after about 10 days was told "Oh, we decided to hire from within." That was that for me.

Well, crap, that's not good then is it? - me

[ In Reply To ..]
If that is the case then, I wont bother trying to contact them again. I mean he sent me the footpedal, the Quick Look, etc. and I just cant seem to get in touch with him now. Dont want to come across as pushy, but geewhiz, ya know? Well, thanks for the info. I will just let them contact me if they want, but I wont worry about it anymore on my end. Shame, I was kind of excited about this job too.

Same thing here.. - Needs a job

[ In Reply To ..]
I did all my paperwork, thought I was supposed to start this week and nothing..I guess if they snooze long enough, they will lose. I have other job offers on my table. I needed to have a job yesterday but somehow it ends up being a 2-3 week project. Maybe, they are just inundated with applicants to get going.

I sure hope that is why they are not responding...sm - md

[ In Reply To ..]
being "inundated with applications". I mean, I had seen very little bad things on my search about them. They all have some bad comments, but had seen fewer on them than good, so I was rather glad to get the job with them. Guess I will have to just wait and see. Thanks.

I found them STRANGE really...... - Jen

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I applied and tested, then the lady called me to tell me I had the job and didn't even ask me if I accepted. She just started rambling about how great my test scores were and they were paying me this, and I needed to start on this date and they would help with installs on this date, etc., etc. I had actually already gotten another job, but she would not be quiet to let me get a word in to tell her. FINALLY, she paused for long enough that I told her thank you, but I had to decline, because I had gotten another job and she asked if I would work part-time with them and I politely declined. THEN, I kept getting e-mails from their company, personal e-mails from my "supervisor" asking why I hadn't started yet and on an on for almost two weeks, despite me continuously replying back stating that I didn't accept. I also got NUMEROUS calls with voice mails left from them, same situation, asking why I hadn't started. POOR COMMUNICATION I think.

my question: Why did you post this? - focus

[ In Reply To ..]
My answer is........ - Jen
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I was just pointing out and stating my opinion on how I also feel that Focus is quite unorganized.

Employment with Focus - Focus HR

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm sorry to hear that you've had a problem touching base with Freddie. Please call me directly: 781-565-5477; I'm happy to assist you with your on-boarding process.

Focus - 15+ exp

[ In Reply To ..]
I did not even get that far. After being laid off, I sent in a resume and tested, and heard bupkes.

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