[ In Reply To ..]
Below the message there should be a button that says apply online or something like that. A box will appear much the same as the box that appears when you reply to a post. This is where you can copy and paste your resume.
If you do not have word 2000 or 2003, do not bother applying for this position. You cannot test if you have a newer Word. I wish they would have put that in their job posting. It would have saved me the time disappointment. So, thought I would let everyone know to save them from the same thing happening to them. ...
transferred to another BOB? I have to get away from this CCM. She has no idea what she's doing, she's very rude, and she's making my job miserable. If I can't get transferred, I'm going to quit. ...
is it jane.doe@mme.us.mmodal.com or do they use the mt.us. etc? I have a personal message of congratulations for this particular MME and don't want to go through QC or TSM. TIA ...
After 7 years, I began to get the failed audits. Interestingly, the past year, I was the second HIGHEST in QA AFTER A RANDOM QA AUDIT FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR! Go figure. I quit a few weeks ago. In a fit of insanity (thanks MM), I got rid of all phone contacts and paperwork concerning MM. Now I need to fax some paperwork to HR and/or call them and I cannot find their number in any of the MM searches I've performed. Can anyone help please? ...
I have been told to contact LyndaR, I just paid for transcription, billing and coding classes at VLC, along which I paid for an internship program and paid $3200, I can't find her and don't know how to. Someone please help me. ...
Does anybody know where to purchase 8-1/2 x 11 white contact paper. I am starting a new account that wants their chart note printed on this paper, and I cannot seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks for the help. ...
Will someone please post how to contact the attorney mentioned in so many of these messages. I am ready to do that right now...might as well do something productive as I have NO WORK AGAIN TODAY!!! ...
Who can I contact above my supervisor? I cannot get any kind of response from her about anything. Overnight, my work load dropped by more than half. Literally, overnight. ...
I've applied at Nuance, but I never hear anything back. Does anyone have an e-mail address of someone I can contact? I've gone to the site but can't find one. ...
I tested with Nuance before the holidays and I know I did well on the test but have not heard from them since then. Is there a way to contact a recruiter for them and find out my status? I am desperate for work! ...
Not sure if I'm just drawing a blank or if I'm going crazy (or both), but didn't our old email system (before IPSWITCH Imail Server) have a bunch of different sections, specifically how/where to contact Human Resources? Can't seem to find it anywhere and the old email system won't let me log in....? ...
The email addresses everyone and to call. I was wondering if anybody else got the email and made the call. I guess I am being paranoid and thinking that it is not really for everyone and I am going to be put on PM like many of you. ...
Got a letter from staffing and resource manager stating I would be contacted prior to training. I am DYING to know if I got my old accounts. Recruiter said she could put it on my form as a request, but who knows. My start date is not for another week so perhaps I should wait for CCM to call, but.... Would I be out of line calling the staffing manager? ...
Anybody else having this problem today on ADT search? "Unable to contact database." I never had this problem before, so do you know if we are supposed to complete reports like this?
Thanks. ...
Has anyone else tried to contact Milner Transcription? I sent my info and it came back, saying they were not accepting any more e-mails. Has anyone else tried? If so, let me know either on the board or e-mailing me.
TIA ...
Had to change password a couple of days ago and practically forgot new password. Now docqmanage has been disabled and have to contact system administrator.
How the heck do I do that? Cannot remeber because I never have issues. We used to just call. Then it was contact by email to support and now??
Gee, never can get a hold of a live person anymore. Probably will take a 2 weeks to get DOCQmanage disabled. Unbelieveable. ...
Hey guys - i got this Linkedin message from this guy - don't know what to think of it and wanted another opinion. I am feeling i should ignore it and that is spam of some sort - any thoughts?
Dr Nayan Mali Healthcare
Dear Lorie, we require medical transcriber for 2hr TAT workmen's compensation work. Let me know your interest. Thanks for your quick response in advance. Dr Nayan ...
I tested for Synernet on Friday, 02/15. I think I did well but haven't heard anything. I was thinking about being proactive with a followup phone call to their recruiter. Does anyone have any contact information for Synernet or have any idea how long it takes for them to get in touch with you after testing? Any information would be appreciated! ...
MTs I posted below, I want to thank everyone for their input, however I would still like to hear from a former Transportal MT just to make sure because he did specifically say to never run a system restore as it would break my machine, so just putting that out there:) ...
I have applied to Nuance, and already went thru the online process. Also had friends at N submit my resume. I got a voice mail from a "Colleen" at Nuance today, saying she has my resume, but I have to complete some "Assessment", which she has emailed to me, as far as links to follow. Well, no email from anyone, and when I called back the phone # on caller ID, it is Transcend, and there is no option to speak with anyone. Is this a red flag? LOL Don't answer that.  ...
Is it acceptable to contact a company a few days after testing to inquire about your results? Or do you just wait until you hear back from them...or maybe not hear at all? ...