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Interested parties see Mercedes answers below. - MTIer

Posted: May 14, 2015

No, I am not a "suit."

And your point? - Long time MT

[ In Reply To ..]
So, I bit. I took the time to look down the page and read the posts about Mercedes.

What you're point of rehashing it in a separate thread? Someone asked a legitimate question... Others replied. You jumped in as a cheerleader for the company.

As someone else said, if you're willing to work for such low rates, that's your prerogative. Perhaps there is "plenty of work" because others aren't willing to. And the person who said that companies will offer it as long as there are MTs who are willing to accept it is correct. Personally, I think my time and experience are worth more than that.

No one is telling you not to enjoy your job. And no one suggested that you were taking jobs away from younger MTs. But as an MT who has done this for a loooooong time, I can tell you that you CAN find MT jobs that are equally satisfying and pay considerably more than what you're current earning, if you're at 0.065/line. Whether you choose to or not is entirely up to you. Maybe the first key to finding one is to lose the chip on our shoulder?

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