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Inscribe new hires, anyone working? - Did I make a mistake?

Posted: Oct 15, 2014

I did read the negative comments here but decided to give Inscribe a try anyway.  I was hired Sunday 10/4 and told I'd be working Monday 10/5. 

One of the reasons I accepted was that I thought I could get a paycheck/deposit this month...nope.  Last day of pay period is today. 

Today is Wednesday 10/15 and I'm still not working.  Delay at every turn.  I've typed ONE report on FDE through SPOE (no idea what those stand for, the person overseeing me said didn't know).  Waiting for corrections, over 24 hours later.  I've asked if I should be on a different account and they "need me here."  Doing nothing?  WTF? 

Anyone else now or in the past in the same boat? 

Working like crazy - Tandy

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You're kidding me, right? I'm a newer MT and working a lot. I don't have acct access yet either so they set me up another way. I recommend you call the recruiter lady, and speak to her.

working like crazy - wiseoldwoman

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Here you state you're a newer MT yet in a post from a few weeks ago you say you've been there for 2 years so which is true?

wow - really? - Tandy

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I am a newer MT (not tons of years of experience). I have worked 2 years at partial (now called 50% status) with InScribe. I just moved to a new acct that came on board. There is a lot of work but I don't have a log on for that acct yet.

They have a recruiter who takes care of people who have problems with sign ons.

But WOW, that's all you got from my message? How about helping the MT who said she did not get started yet instead?

CALL the recruiter or placement person. They can get you going. Don't want to do that? Call the owner. She will get you going.

Hope it gets better for you :-) - Former Inscriber

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They seem to have communication issues in "senior management." It would be nice if their right hand knew what their left hand was doing. Hope you get up and going soon and move up the production tier so you can get above 0.065/line.

Not kidding... - DIMAM?

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Nope, for my assigned primary I'm getting emails saying "we're swamped, everyone jump in and help" and I'm sitting here with my thumb up my a$$ waiting for feedback on my first report (well over 24 hours old) so I can type my second report, and not getting replies to my emails asking WTF.

I've turned down 2 other job offers and 2 testing opportunities, and wasted hours reading their style guide and account specifics and getting things set up...

And nada.

I'm not wasting time filling out a pay sheet for the < $2.00 I've "earned" so far; it'll take me more than $2 worth of my time to figure out how to do that.

I'm so frustrated right now! Well over a decade of experience...rural living and a satellite/cell ISP...children and a need for flexibility in scheduling...all adds up to can't find work for crap :(

I've read on this board that Inscribe is now really Nuance. - If so, that explains everything...

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...and I am truly sorry you are going through this.

As I understand it, Nuance owns many companies that still advertise that are now "acquired" by them but just not fully integrated.

If this is, in fact, true, then I truly feel sorry for you.
Inscribe the company is not Nuance - in the know
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The transcription platform Emdat Inscribe is now owned by Nuance.

As far as the wait to start working for Inscribe, well you were warned in the prior posts you read. This is typical. For some MTs it takes months to really get started. If you really want to work for them, then head straight to the top and bypass all the managers, trainers, installers, etc. and send an email to the owner.
So is there any company left... - DIMAM?
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...that has a system that works with satellite/cell internet, that allows freedom in scheduling, and that pays reasonably well and promptly?

I'm good with crazy or whatever as long as there's work.

Been there, done that - Bitsie

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All I will say is it was one of the most disorganized companies I have ever worked.

InScribe ex-employee - ex-employee

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You made a HUGE mistake taking a job for InScribe. They are AWFUL. The owner tells you one thing and then the next day changes it. She is always threatening people with their jobs if they are not working 7 days a week 24 hours a day. The pay sucks. I just quit 2 weeks ago and I am so thankful I did.

Inscribe new hires.. - sm

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You should have paid attention to the negative comments here about InScribe. The company is as bad, if not worse, than what has been commented numerous, numerous times here. I worked for them briefly, a few weeks. I left because it was downright scary the antics of the owner. However, I did not learn my lesson. I chose, like you, to ignore the negative posts (who can find any that are positive?) about Nuance. Took a job. All the negative comments posted are true. When I search a company on this board, if there is a balance between positive and negative, then I always think every person's situation is different. If there is an abundance of negative posts and really nothing positive to be said, beware.

Inscribe new hires - Former Inscriber

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I think the fundamental problem with InScribe is the way they advertise for new MTs. They say you can work how much or how little you want. The problem is that they are so understaffed that they really require everybody to work 24/7. Then, the owner starts threatening people every other day to work more. This gets old very fast and the new MTs just quit. I worked there for several years and trust me, it does not get any better. There came a point in time that I could no longer stand the threats any longer let alone the constant automated phone calls (not sure if they still do that but getting a phone call from a live voice is not much better in my opinion). Be honest with people and tell them you are looking for people who will put in a lot of hours (full-time) and once they are staffed with this type of MT, the harassment and threats will stop.

Wish I were getting harrassed to work more - DIMAM?

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Rather than the reverse...I mean, I'm getting the emails, but I can't work until I'm through the training, and now waiting over 48 hours for response on first dictation. I'm outta there!

Wish I were getting hasrrassed to work more - Former Inscriber

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Unfortunately, I feel that the lack of sufficient staff is also responsible for your standstill. I would suggest you contact the person who recruited you by email or instant message and relay the situation. Sometimes, they have no idea what is actually going on as it usually someone that works on the account that is responsible for training you.

Inscribe - an

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Yep. It took me almost a month before I actually started working with all the delays:(

Reply by email and I can help. - Happy InScriber

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We need to figure out what the problem is with not receiving feedback and such. Reply by email and I can help. The account I am on tonight is swamped and in need of help. There is no reason you should not be able to get through FDE and move on to work.

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