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How is it going for new hires at Cypress Medical? nm - catmom

Posted: Aug 10, 2012


Applied at Cypress - Have not heard

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I did a summary and have never heard-this was about 1-1/2 weeks ago.

I did the summarization test too... - Waiting

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Recruiter emailed me back a day later and asked for a phone number where he could reach me. That was last Fri. Have not heard from him yet.

It's okay - sm

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It's work that has to be done a specific way and it can be very time consuming. I'm making a better wage as each day goes by. There are huge files that make me want to pull my hair out, but then I get some easier files. So, all in all, it's a good second income for me.

Approximately how much $$ hourly? I imagine it is frustrating and - Slow going at first

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Do you see your rate increasing as time goes by? How many summaries do they want you do to per hour/day?

They pay per page - sm

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$6 a page. At first, I was making about 6 bucks an hour! Awful! Now, a few months later, I'm at about 14 an hour. I work only part-time. They don't expect you to do a certain number of files, you tell them how many you want. For example, last Friday I had one file and it was 765 pages. It took me four hours to do it because it was so huge.
Wait...Really? - time4achange
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$6 a page, 765 pages, in 4 hours? That's a nice paycheck for 4 hours' work! Are they hiring?!?
Sorry, my post wasn't written well - sm
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The patient's file came in as 765 pages. After I summarized it, it was 10 pages, so I made 60 bucks.
If you could summarize 3 of those a day, then you - would be in business, 60 x 3 is $180 a day.
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But the question is, is that an easy thing to do?
Ah...well, a girl can dream! - time4achange
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Still not bad though, $15 an hour if it's consistent.

How is it going for new hires at Cypress Medical? - mt55

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Just curious about the 700+ page report to be summarized. Did you actually print all of that out in order to summarize? If so, think it would be costly to do that after awhile. Also, if you didn't print it out, how did you do it? Split screen or something? Thanks! Thinking of applying.

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