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Inscribe NOT accepting apps from CA residents? - CAMT

Posted: Aug 29, 2012

I went to apply with Inscribe and they have this posted: At present, InScribe is unable to accept applications from any resident of the State of California. I live in CA...I knew we were an odd bunch but I didn't know we were unemployable. If anyone knows can you please tell me WHY I can't work for them? Thank you!

Inscribe - Welcome to the club

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I am not entirely sure of the reason. I live in WA and there are some that don't hire in my state either. Something to do with business license, higher minimum wage, overtime laws, etc.


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I guess they can all make their own rules that are within some kind of bounds not being considered descrimination...but that doesn't seem right at all. I just looked and minimum wage in SC is $7.25 hr. and CALI is $8.00. We are #2 in highest cost of living just under Hawaii and are 3rd highest in housing and cost of food....that measly $8.00 hr. doesn't go very far here!

I'm sorry...Iknow we all have to play by their rules, but that's just $#!++Y.

I agree - Inquiring minds

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In WA state the min. wage is something like $9.10, we're the highest in the US. I don't know for sure if that's the reason, I'm just guessing, it may just be that they have to jump through a lot of hoops to become licensed in certain states. I had thought it might be discrimination but was told no by someone in the forums, they have the right to do business where they choose. There's a company in Maine that I wanted to work for, I was disappointed when I found out they did't hire in my state. Sorry, I'm sure you'll find something else.

Offensive - anon

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The "fruits" comment was really crass and obnoxios.

Just out of curiosity how exactly do "fruits" threaten you?

It has always seemed very bizarre to me how people spout the virtues of freedom and then decide they have the right to dictate how other people should live their lives.

I am not a "fruit" myself (married with 4 kids) but I am just disgusted with the ugliness that people now seem so free to spew all over the place.
Thank you - CAMT
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I was born here...lived here my entire life. Every area of CA produces some form of dependent agriculture. Within a 10 mile radius of my home there are peaches, prunes, oranges, mandrins, olives, RICE, walnuts, almonds, fuyu persimmon, pomegranates, KIWI, corn, and sunflowers to name those right off the top of my head.

Yea, we got lots of problems and yes, sometimes I swear I will move away and complain about the politics and regulations but when I think about it where else can I grow my own peaches, apricots, persimmons, pomegranates, lemons, oranges, and avocados in my own yard?? I even have cactus and make juice from the fruit.

So to answer your negative and belittling "FRUIT" comment�I live in an agricultural community and am surrounded on all sides by FRUIT and NUTS for miles and miles�.�.all I can eat, grow, and all I can tolerate!!! I grow it, eat it daily, freeze it, can it, and even try to dry it.

I never usually post anything on this site and usually just read about online companies and everyone's opinions and work experience so that I can choose the best place for me to work. If I don't like what someone has posted and am offended by it I make the personal choice to move on to something else I AM interested in reading but never feel the need to belittle or bash anyone for anything.

Thank you to everyone who helped me figure out what the problem was with us CALI people not being able to work as IC contractors. And a BIG thank you to Inscribe for being nice enough to return my email! That doesn't happen much and I greatly appreciate it! I wish I could work for them.
Offensive - Old Pro
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I was shocked, too. I am straight, but I wonder how others who are not might feel at seeing this epithet on this board. It is very easy to hurl a label, but the pain words can cause is enormous. What if one of the MTs on here has a gay son or daughter or is gay themselves? And why is it our business to use hurtful slang? I would have hoped, at my advanced age, that at this time in our country's story, we would have moved beyond this kind of unthinking ignorance. I am sure that this was done unthinkingly, but that is the problem--we all need to think before we speak.

You're right. They can make up their own rules. Private - companies can do exactly that. nm

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Old Pro - A little tolerance, please?

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As a straight woman who has spent the majority of my life in California, I find your comment about "fruits" to be offensive. I used to have this button that said: "I'm straight but not narrow." Why use such hateful speech?

Got answer from Inscribe - CAMT

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I got an answer from Inscribe as to why I can�t work for them�..this is what I was told:


InScribe�s MTs are independent contractors. The state of California does not recognize/uphold the independent contractor status. Due to this, we regret that we cannot accept applicants from California.


Apparently she is correct: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/sen/sb_0451-0500/sb_459_bill_20111009_chaptered.pdf

California politics screwed us again. Can�t say as I blame them now for not wanting to hire me! Shame on CA�they really need to leave us alone and stop interfering in our lives and allow us to make our own working decisions.

"They" will continue to do what - "they are doing"

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as long as "you" continue to elect "them."

What happened in California doesn't just happen. It happens because people vote for those bozos.

I was born in California but left years ago, and I don't miss it at all.

Good luck to you in your job search.

That sounds like a lie - anon

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I worked as an IC in California and in fact am about to start a new job as an IC. So that sounds like a big fat lie.

Inscribe is wrong - MT in CA

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California does indeed, just like all other states, allow for independent contractor status. What California does NOT allow is the misclassification of independent contractors.

If you actually read SB 459 that you posted, it states that what California prohibits is the "willful misclassification of an individual as an independent contractor."

So it sounds like Inscribe is probably actually hiring employees, but misclassifying them as ICs in order to avoid taxes. And since that is against the law in California, they probably also want to avoid the penalties that go along with that misclassification.

Personally, I wouldn't trust Inscribe at all, especially because it sounds like they can't even be honest about exactly why they don't want to hire California MTs.

I think I understand - CAMT

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I did read SB 459 and a some other articles related to it. If they only hire IC how can it be willful misclassification unless they are outright lying about the job status and can't get away with it in CA. I also worked as an IC for 4 years but not since 2008. When income tax time came around I got hit hard by taxes not taken from my checks, but I paid them just like everyone else has to. Wasn't sure if the bill changed things since then.

What difference does it make if they remove the taxes from our pay or we pay it quarterly or at the time of our income tax filling? Isn't it still our own money we make that taxes come out of? Who cares who pays them as long as they get paid??

Thank you MT in CA.

IC status - YD
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"If they only hire IC how can it be willful misclassification unless they are outright lying about the job status and can't get away with it in CA."

You've answered your own question. They are outright lying about job status, and CA won't let them get away with it. The percentage of MTs who are hired as ICs is much higher than the percentage of MTs who really are ICs.

"What difference does it make if they remove the taxes from our pay or we pay it quarterly or at the time of our income tax filling? Isn't it still our own money we make that taxes come out of? Who cares who pays them as long as they get paid??"

Good grief, YOU should care for one. The reason companies misclassify employees as ICs is very simple. The company avoids paying some required taxes. One tax they avoid paying is workman's compensation. The big one that an MT should get mad about is the employer's share of your SS taxes, which because of their misclassification is now added to your tax burden.

The biggest companies can't afford to misclassify - they are too visible and run too high a risk of an IC taking a few minutes to fill out the paperwork that sets in motion an investigation of working conditions to determine whether the person is really an IC or a misclassified employee. The fines for willful misclassification can be HUGE.

In short, every MT should care about who pays the taxes. The simple fact is that you will pay twice as much in SS taxes if you are misclassified as an IC. The feds will allow a certain percentage of that extra tax as a deduction, but NOT all of it.

Got answer from Inscribe - Vintagefine

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California law does not prohibit the company from hiring you. It is the company choosing not to hire you because they obviously plan to engage in unlawful business practices. The purpose for the law is because so many companies take advantage of their ICs, treating them like employees but not giving them the benefits of an employee. The law simply states:

It is unlawful for any person or employer to engage in any
of the following activities:
(1) Willful misclassification of an individual as an independent contractor.
(2) Charging an individual who has been willfully misclassified as an
independent contractor a fee, or making any deductions from compensation,
for any purpose, including for goods, materials, space rental, services,
government licenses, repairs, equipment maintenance, or fines arising from
the individual�s employment where any of the acts described in this
paragraph would have violated the law if the individual had not been

You should this post up top where more will see it. - nm

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InScribe's Response to CA Applicants - SS

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I work in the placement dept at InScribe. Here is what we tell our CA applicants:

InScribe has made a business decision that the current regulatory climate in California set forth by Senate Bill 459 is such that the company is unwilling to risk the possibility of legal expenses and huge fines because of a challenge by California labor regulators to InScribe�s good-faith determination that MTs are independent contractors. Therefore, InScribe cannot accept applications or extend a contract to residents of California.

I hope this explains things a bit better, whether you agree or disagree.

They don't like our more stringent labor laws, - and our higher minimum wage.

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Even if they're in other states, they have to abide by the rules of the state the worker lives in. So of course, they prefer states that offer less in the way of protection or a living wage to workers.

I just wish that here in Cali, we could refuse admittance to people from those discriminatory states who want to live here.

CAMT - me

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I wouldn't want to live in California for all the good wages in the world- you guys are near total bankruptcy with the way your state is managed....not to mention all the "undocumented" people that want their fair share. Making good wages doesn't mean anything if you don't get paid. :)

Wow - anon

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California isn't the only state who has budget problems and the state itself is nowhere near bankruptcy. Some individual cities and/or counties have filed bankruptcy, again, not the only state having these problems.

California has the 8th largest GDP in the world. Perhaps you could try to watch something besides Fox News to get actual facts. I have a feeling you don't have a clue how our state is "managed" as you don't live here.

I am not from California but I moved here from a very small and very backwards state and I quite like it.
Toanon - me
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You can keep California - it's not "California dreami" - it's "California nightmare" and I do realize other states have problems. But your "officials" continue to pander to illegal aliens and offer them everything FREE - education, food, rent, even licenses now on the agenda. How much invasion can our country handle, with only so many resources? You have some of the highest taxes in any of the states, but its the management hierarchy that is at fault, and that is a problem to remedy. Why you think this has anything to do with Fox News is beyond my comprehension. A typical stereotype comment. Since you moved there from a "backwards stage" you really don't know how it is managed either. But you will find out.
ain't that the truth - bootstraps
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I'd move there from my purple state in a heartbeat if not for my fear of earthquakes. I prefer the predictable catastrophe.

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nm. ...