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Hands On Transcription, any info? - sm
Posted: Jan 14, 2013
Any info on Hands-On, pay on time, pay scale, plentiful work, supervisors, etc. Thank you.
Hands On - Ex-Hands On
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First of all the pay is 6 CPL for IC. The work is on Bayscribe, so that is a plus. I estimate it to be 99% ESL, if not 100% ESL, seriously, and many, many very short diagnostic reports. With me, as far as QA, I worked there for a year and NEVER got off of full QA. I did not ever get 100% accurate on a single report because QA was very inconsistent. With that being said, the QA supervisor is VERY nice and she never questioned my marks and never said anything to me about them, BUT even though she was very inconsistent, it made me feel inadequate that I could not get a single report free of errors. I even told my sister once that I didn't know why she didn't fire me or something and find someone that could complete a report with zero corrections.
They do leave you alone while you work. I wouldn't say work is plentiful by any means, it is part-time at best. Oh, and they DON'T have direct deposit. Pay is via PERSONAL CHECK actually, but I never had a problem with the check not being good. Also, pay is supposed to be weekly, but that is not the case, I actually never knew when I would get paid, but I did ALWAYS get paid. Sometimes it was two weeks after a pay period and I would get the check, sometimes it was three weeks and sometimes she would combine a couple of weeks together and pay me after close to a month. I was only part-time and this was just supplemental income, so I never questioned it. I did ask specifically pay dates once and she basically said what day she "tries" to do payroll on, but apparently that didn't always work out.
Hands On ex also - me
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I had just the opposite experience as far as work load, too much! I never had any issues with QA. The pay was only 6 cpl and not gross, as I had thought, so come payday it was a lot less than I thought, especially for all the typing. I was also not told of pay every week, but we got that straightened out. I was full-time. She does nothing to address the bad dictation habits or sound quality. I had mostly consults and pain procedures.
She was nice about giving me personal time off when a friend of mine had a stroke.
Hands On - Me Too!
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I worked for about a week and at 5 cpl, which was ridiculous. I posted here about the company and was flooded with responses about how she doesn't pay or pay on time. I contacted her about this and she vehemently denied it. I don't like the personal check payment though; I much prefer DD. I have been down that road of late payments and no payments, so I took the word of the posts and there were quite a few and also an e-mail or two, very disgruntled MTs who worked for her. I found the work horrible as well. Hard to get a line count and at that rate of pay, it was not worth my time, not even as a secondary PT account. I would not advise going to work for her, unless you are truly in dire need of a job, and if that is the case, take it, but keep looking. It is such a crap shoot anymore!
The lady irritated me at Hands On - sm
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I was offered the IC position at 6 cpl and she said....."I know 6 cpl is low, but the way most companies have gone to VR people should be lucky they get to straight type, so if you don't want to work for 6 cpl, believe me, there are many that do. Personally, I don't think ANYONE "wants" to work for 6 cpl and basically, to me, that statement was basically saying they don't mind taking advantage of others, because they know they can find someone to take that small wage due to the industry being so bad right now. I am not sure if that is an indicator of how they treat their employees, but NO THANK YOU.
RUN as fast as you can - tiredofworking
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Horrible company to work for ...late paychecks, low pay, and she is one of the rudest people you will ever work for!
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I worked there a while, she was never rude, but agree with the late paychecks and VERY low pay for sure! It irritated me, because pay was supposed to be WEEKLY but it was never like "Pay will be every Tuesday" or whatever, there was NO specific date pay was promised, it was when she got around to it and sometimes took a month to get paid for the week of work. That is very frustrating and I am not sure how anyone can pay bills that way.
I have applied for a job with On-Hands Transcription - I do not see information on here - positive or negative. I was hoping that somebody who actually has worked or currently works for them could post some information - positive and negative about the company and the accounts that they transcribe. Any information would be appreciated. ...
I found some old posts in the Archives but was wondering if anyone had any recent experience with this company.
Their website is a one-pager with not a whole lot of information but looks legit enough.
Also, is Bayscribe easy to learn and utilize? Will it interfere with any player I currently use for voice files? I have never used any kind of platform - always just digital voice files and Word.
Any information or input on either question is appreciated.
Thanks! ...
Have all of you gone crazy? I have worked for C and Hands On for more than 10 years, have always gotten paid, always had work every day just as promised, and love the flexibility of my job. It is obvious that those of you who were not doing your job, and therefore have too much time on your hands, because you can't find another job are posting this non sense. I know C has been in business for 30 years starting from scratch. Tell me....how does someone stay in business for that long in ...
Okay...I am new to the boards and have only worked with Hands On for 6 months but this is one of the better jobs I've ever had. I have always been paid on time, have steady work, receive constructive feedback which has helped to improve my skills. To date, the management team has been very helpful and friendly. I don't want to disrespect my MT colleagues, but perhaps they couldn't "make the cut" or are burned out from the profession. It seems to me the same MT's are posting o ...
I was recently asked to test by this company and most of the communication was done via email. I have over 30 years of experience and this is the first time that I have ever been asked by a company to download their softwiare in order to be able to test. I downloaded the software on Tuesday evening and spent until yesterday trying to figure out why I could not get the Bayscribe player to come up. When I contacted the lady who seemed to be in charge of the testing, she had no id ...
I would appreciate any input anyone may have on these 3 companies. I have tried to find out about them through their local BBB, but only Net Med Transcription has anything on it. Thanks. ...
Does anyone have any experience/info abotu OSi? It seems like they do a TON of hiring and i'm not sure that it's a good thing. I'm a new MT and want to start out right. Thanks! ...
Any info on this company? I have heard from them and she is rather up front about her workload, etc., but I would like to know if anyone has worked for this company. The last time I posted about a company, someone said "look elsewhere" and I didn't listen and I should have. I am now looking elsewhere. If you want to e-mail me that is fine as well. Thanks in advance.
I did a search on transcription plus LLC and didn't see much but was wondering if anyone currently works for them and has any positive or negative things to say about this company. I am considering taking a position with them.
TIA ...
I've looked through the archives, have a couple questions on what I couldn't find...
Anyone know what the average TAT is? How's the work, steady/intermittent/rare?
Anything else I need to know that you think is important? ...
Any info on this company. Pay, etc.? They have 2 very long tests. It is a waste of my time if they pay bum wages and are a bum company. Any info would help. TIA. ...
Hi. Was hoping that someone could give me some information regarding United Transcription out of North Carolina?? Any details would be very much appreciated ...
Anybody know anything about this company. I seems to be an employment agency for MTs and other medical record related jobs. Their website says no fee to job seekers. ...