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Anyone with info on WordZXpressed Transcription Services, not much on this board - about them, TY, nm

Posted: Nov 09, 2011


WordzXpressed - medtyper

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I work for them. Email me and I will give you more information.

WordZXpressed - mtms

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I would like to know about them too, was thinking about applying.

Good luck passing the MTTest...!!! - anon

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and working for 7 cpl.
I took the test and didn't find it difficult, but did not realize they only pay - 7 cents a line, arghh
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Unfortunately, many MTSOs are using mttest screening before - BOGUS
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hiring! This test is a scam. I have been a CMT for nearly 30 years and took it and I know I passed it but was informed after the question section that I did not (I had ways of confirming I passed)and was told to contact Career Steps for further education. Yea, RIGHT! I actually think that every certain number that takes the test passes, regardless of scores. It is too bad that mttest is becoming a trend because it is NOT accurate. I actually do not apply with anyone that uses the test, to me it means they are lazy and cannot make up their own testing that would be accurate. Just my opinion....
I was told by someone at a company I applied to that sm - anon
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you have to get 100% on the test or you don't pass. I have taken that test many times and failed most of them but passed a few. It is bogus!
I agree....failed the MTTest twice and was ... - alias
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referred for "more education" at career step. what a scam! probably no job at all but career step looking for more $$. Bogus, is right. The test itself is easy, if you know what you are doing, but some just cannot pass it. I run when I see it.
Here's an idea to battle that axe on MTtest - anon
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take screen shots of every page with your answers and paste into word.

Then challenge that fail and copy the company and every public site including media, lawyers, BBB, etc, you can think of and get this out in the open. Don't forget to inform your local Unemployment Office.
wordZXpressed Transcription Services - Pam Hoffman
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I am the recruiter for wordZXpressed and would like to clear up any misinformation in this post. Even though we use a testing site, we use our own voice files. They are hand picked by our QA manager who has been a CMT for many years. Our test is tough, and just because you are a CMT or have many years of experience doesn't mean you can pass the test. Our QA manager grades each test personally to ensure we interview and offer positions to the most qualified MTs. You can't always believe what people post. I have been with wordZXpressed for 13 years. The testing process is not bogus, and when we run an ad, there is an open position.
Thanks for your post. I took the test and found it excellent - sm
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The transcription portion was for the most part the clearest dictation I have ever tested on. I have no idea how I did on that portion, but did pass all other portions of the testing to get to that portion, so not sure what the issues have beeen for others. Whether I passed the transcription portion or not, I certainly had no issue with it being due to the company. Just thought I would let you know that I thought it was an excellent test.
Test Grading - Kristie Fessenden, CMT
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It's a shame when MTs blame the company when they are unable to pass the exam. Our testing process is extremely fair and I grade all of them personally. WordZXpressed is known for their Quality of Work - not Quantity. I've been with WordZXpressed for almost 15 years and love it. I have also been the QA Director for many, many years as well. To say that our testing is bogus is a shame. MTs like that won't be working in a professional atmosphere with attitudes like that.
question - are you with MTTest or - mt3
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...do you use MTTest for screening? Or are you talking about tests you issue yourself and grade yourself? Because MTTest does the grading of tests taken on their site, so when you say you grade them yourself, I wonder.

At any rate - we're not "blaming" the test. We're saying there is something fishy about the MTTest site and their policies.

To the TX services....MTSO WordZ - anon
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You say that you grade all the tests personally, but in order to grade them, one has to get to the end in order to submit them. MTTest sometimes does not allow that to happen, saying some of us have "failed" before we even get that far. This is the "scam" part some of us are talking about. We "failed" and then are directed back to career step for more "education". Some of us have taken screen shots of the questions and answers, looked them up again later after we have "failed" and found that the answers to the questions were correct. This is MTTests doing, not the MTSO who uses it. If some of us were "allowed" to finish the test in order to be "graded" you would no doubt have some very good candidates for your team, but we are overlooked due to MTTest. Please look into that and please don't jump to the conclusion that we who have "failed" just were not good enough. thank you.
Totally agree with this post-perfectly said to MTSO responders defending - SICK AND TIRED
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themselves. You gotta get the test to grade it. Like other posters, I have taken screen shots and gone back and looked up every answer (AGAIN) and there is no way I failed, besides what is a failed grade? Nobody bothers to give any of that kind of information.

I have an idea for the QA manager commenting on this board, how about giving US the results - seems only fair doesn't it!
Sick and Tired - Unprofessional - Kristie Fessenden, CMT, AHDI-F
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Dear Sick and Tired,
Giving you the results is one of the most unprofessional statements that I think I've ever heard. THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU CAN JUST TAKE SCREEN SHOTS OF THE OBJECTIVE PORTION (DICTATION PART) AND THEN GRADE YOUR OWN TEST. How do you know what is correct if you don't have the key - which I have? Interesting??? It is passworded and encrypted; therefore, I'm the only one who can see the results. So sorry that you are frustrated. Why would we give out the answers to our test that comes from our own clients and is scrubbed??? Does that make any sense? I know of no companies who give out the answers when MTs don't pass. Once must accept their shortcomings. Good luck with your future endeavors.
Grading - Kristie Fessenden, CMT, AHDI-F
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The reason that some MTs are not allowed to finish the test is because they perform poorly on the multiple choice portion of the test. We have hundreds of people apply and this is the only way that we can "weed" through some of them. Going back to CareerStep for more education is YOUR OPTION - WE'RE NOT SAYING THAT IT'S MANDATORY!!! I am able to see everything that is done by the MTs, so believe me, there is no scam. I receive some that have multiple misspelled words, etc.; this is very unprofessional in my opinion especially since the test isn't timed. I'm sorry that you feel it is a scam - Unfortunately you didn't pass our test. I wish you all of the best in the future.
They pay 7.5 cpl per line... - wordZMT
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not 7 cpl. They pay you more than that, if you are a CMT, which I will be going for.

I really enjoy working for wordZ. They are upfront and honest, which was sorely lacking in the last company I worked for. They give you certain docs to type for, which helps build up your speed and line count, so the 7.5 cpl adds up quickly!
They pay 7.5 cpl, more if you get certified. - anon
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After you are certified as CMT you get the gargantuan, life-changing raise to 8cpl.
7.5 cpl - anon
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I made 10 cpl 17 years ago. Just curious what other careers have gone backward in pay instead of forward? An MT has to be educated and have ongoing education. It's not like anyone can just sit down and do the job. I think we should be paid for our education and years of experience.
The 0.5 cpl "extra" for certified MIGHT almost pay for your AHDI fees-NO THANKS! - nm
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Thanks everyone for your posts, no problem with testing, but do not like the pay - OP

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WordZ pay - Maisey

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Although the pay might not sound great, in fact, you are assigned dictators, become incredibly proficient and quick at typing their reports, and will likely find that you are making very good money. I am a bit lazy myself but still manage to eke $20+ per hour at 7.5 cpl. Just saying...

Another Wordz MT - LisaP

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I've been working for Wordz for 4 1/2 years. Greatest job I've ever had even from when I was an IC and I've been an MT for 21 years. They are honest, they are fair, there is fabulous communication, I've learned an incredible amount from their QA department, and have never paid me late. In fact, at 7.5 cpl, I make between $25-35/hr. And I have NEVER had to scrounge for work.
A SATISFIED MT!!!!! - Kristie Fessenden, CMT, AHDI-F
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Thanks for posting this and thank you for stating that the QA department has been of help. We really appreciate the kudos!!!

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