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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Transcribeme.. (Views: 38)

Seems you are the Debbie Downer. Where is all the - information you collected over the

Posted: Oct 24th, 2023 - 4:07 pm In Reply to: I'm going to call this Debbie Downer. I do my own searches - have no problem giving

years? Where are your company contacts, phone numbers, emails, pay scales?

You talk a lot and offer nothing, but you dictate to others what you think they should do. Just another loud-mouthed, know-it-all that wants others to do what she has not done herself.

If you spent half as much time researching (yeah we know you research, wink, wink), as you do attacking those on this board that are making a healthy income, you, too, might have a big fat bank account.

Yeah, Debbie/Karen, you're just into the attacks and no substance. Flame away.


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