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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

In general, most MT services still alive have whittled - the pay down to where you

Posted: May 17th, 2023 - 12:01 am In Reply to: IMEDAT - Lola

can only make $50 a day. At first, I thought it was me but, NOOOO, every company I have tried, it is the same thing: crappy quality sound, general transcription has multiple speakers and no one is controlling that environment, transcribing jail or police body cam recordings are crappy, etc. The expectations are demanding damn near perfection. I am so tired of it all.

I wouldn't suggest legal transcription and if someone is telling you they earn more than $1 per page typing court transcripts, they are very lucky.

I have signed up to work for a delivery service and need to review how it works and then off I go. I am almost 60 years of age and I can't believe I have to resort to delivering groceries. This will physically kill me. I'm not looking forward to the heat index while getting in and out of the car, but here goes. Wish me luck.


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  • IMEDAT - Lola (Views: 1132, 2023-05-13, 12:54 pm)
    • IMEDAT - TCMT (Views: 680, 2023-05-14, 10:41 pm)
    • In general, most MT services still alive have whittled - the pay down to where you