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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

I totally understand - Melissa

Posted: Sep 15th, 2022 - 11:35 am In Reply to: People are jaded and burned out because of how badly this - job has gone to hill over the years SM

I have heard the same thing from some people and the opposite from others. I think it has a lot of to do with a person's needs and expectations as well.
Can you give me an example when you say things are bad as far as conditions and wages? You obviously don't have to answer, but how much do you make a month off mt alone? I am trying to gage these descriptors with other information I've gotten about this trade since I have been under the impression that average wages aren't too bad from a couple family members who have been in the field awhile.
Thanks for any info! It's all helping me to decide the best path for my circumstances.


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