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I'm the one you responded to. I also was getting very - strange emails that made no

Posted: Dec 29th, 2018 - 11:17 am In Reply to: I was wondering the same thing. I worked for a company - sm - JustAnotherMT

sense in this scheme of things. I was offered a private sector MT job and I jumped all over it. It is not the best hourly pay, but since I get paid for any down time, extra work, research time, chart updating that is not transcription, etc., I was all over this job. It ends up paying better simply because the docs pay for ALL of my time, not just what I produce. I LOVE the group of docs I work for. I refuse to do any work for any MTSO that wants to hand me a N acct. Nothing but headaches now with the VDI BS and it is NOT going to get better, no matter how many posts the cheerleader(s) make on the behalf of N.

My work life is so enjoyable, I don't feel like it is work. It is not a huge office, and the docs are great to all of us. I am thankful every day this opportunity came my way.

Good luck to all!!


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