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Med Ink, Naples Florida - Lisa

Posted: Dec 29th, 2018 - 10:47 am In Reply to: I worked for MedInk until October of this year - former MedInk MT

I'm sure they knew. I bought an external hard drive because of the VDI and a brand new computer because mine did not meet the specs. Never gave a straight answer about anything. I questioned this termination of accounts and they pussy-footed around it. All they could say was they were also blindsided by this. Full of crap. Sometimes things happen for a reason. I just wish there was some honesty. One week you're getting a threatening email about TAT and Nuance is threatening to take the accounts away and then you get an email a month later stating that Nuance wants to start their own VR. Makes no sense. I can't trust a company who does this to people. We have bills to pay and lives to live. They stated they have other accounts but refused to put those of us who got let go on any of them. Their reply was "we have no other accounts to replace the ones that were lost" BS. no wonder I got my last paycheck yesterday. Those who worked for this company know that we got paid on the 5th and 20th. Basically, Goodbye. Oh, and the no phone call thing. All help desk. Never have I worked for a company that had zero contact other than paper.


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