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Coding / Medical Billing

No, but the powers that be are trying to get self- - driving trucks out on our roads.

Posted: May 7th, 2018 - 1:04 pm In Reply to: They cannot offshore - truck driving.

First off, it's sad that corporate America seems so bent on replacing people with AI, VR and robots in all fields.

As a former professional driver, I find it laughable that people think any self-driving vehicle can operate as safely as a human driver, except in the case of those who are too old to drive, or repeat DUI offenders. Relegating them to self-driving cars might take care of part of our yearly vehicular highway carnage.

But when out on the road driving, I often think about the multiple micro-decisions I'm making every second behind the wheel. The self-driving car only reacts to what is happening now, and what it can see. Those of us who are good drivers react not only to what we see, but to what we don't see. We react to nuances in traffic patterns, or the movements of other cars, the behavior of other motorists behind the wheel, etc. The safe driver thinks about what MIGHT happen up ahead, reacts accordingly, and makes small adjustments to their driving. They look for "outs" in case of a sudden emergency, such as a clear lane next to them, a wide shoulder, or a large gap behind them in which to slow down. All that is based on experience, type of vehicle being driven, weather conditions, road conditions, time of day, etc.

Anyway, although in the long run I don't think truckers can be completely replaced, they're sure gonna try.


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