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Happens to all accounts eventually. They are a software company, not an MTSO. - Posts going back 6 years.

Posted: Jun 10th, 2016 - 10:09 pm In Reply to: No problem - but read below. - mt2

Truly, there is no secret as to why MTs at this company are OOW a lot. I am copying and pasting this from a post down below (and up above) re: OOW situations:

Nuance "acquired" (bought) many of you from facilities and kept you on staff because they needed you until they could get their new software fully functional at that facility. Once voice wreck is sufficiently trained to particular providers, you are no longer needed except for the very hardest, most difficult to understand providers, but eventually even those are outsourced to yet another (even cheaper) workforce in India.

MTs are like the last miners in the last vein of coal on the planet. Not only are Nuance MTs training their very replacements (voice rec technology), whatever left over work is going elsewhere because it can be done more cheaply.

THIS is why you keep running low on work. Your longevity at this company is/was not even on their radar screen... You are helping them unemploy yourself.

Nuance keeps a constantly revolving door of new hires, people leaving when they catch onto this, new hires, people leaving fairly quickly, etc. There are a few people who have stuck it out, but they have had to train on new accounts and/or whole new platforms many times to stay employed.

The company cannot, of course, and will not ever admit this to anyone, else all new hires would go elsewhere. And remember, they need a steady stream of unsuspecting MTs to sign on and type/train software for them, so in addition to the decrease in work due to voice wreck and offshoring, sometimes there are just too many people on an account also. Expect to be asked to go to another shift, add a new account, and learn new platforms FAIRLY REGULARLY, and you will get along just fine.

I hope this helps you. I wish someone had told me the truth. I wish you the best and encourage you as soon as possible to begin training for another line of work. Yes, there will be a need for at least 1 miner to go down the shaft and close up shop someday, but every day between now and that date, there will be fewer and fewer miners with steady work.

P.S. You will likely always be OOW before, during, and after holidays, and just generally lower in work volume all summer long. This certainly doesn't help either.


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