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In mental status exam, dictator says (s/l) electrothymic - robbie

Posted: Mar 06, 2014

In mental status portion of a psychiatric H&P, dictator states "He is mildly electrothymic".  Tried to hear "euthymic" but he is saying electrothymic very clearly.  Thank you for any help.

alexithymic - nymt

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Probably alexithymic (meaning unable to describe symptoms).

nice one! - sm

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Perfect example of the difference between "he's clearly saying" versus "what I HEAR."

Perfect example...... - vtbt12

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Perfect example of the difference between someone helpful versus someone so petty that she would actually take the time to post a snarky little comment, and all because an MT misheard what she thought the doctor was clearly saying.
I really didnt take it that she was trying to be - snarky
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How many times have you been "sure" of what you heard until you found out what he "really said" and then you can hear it clearly? I know that has happened to me. I didn't take her remark as snarky at all.
thanks - sm
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Indeed, there was no snark intended. Sometimes we can get stuck when we think something is "clearly" being said. This thread was a good chance to exemplify this phenomenon. I wasn't really expecting a browbeating. Thanks for your support.
I didn't mean it that way AT ALL (!) - sm
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I have found that it's really important to remember that what I am hearing is not necessarily what they are "definitely" saying. I have helped lots of MTs by sharing this suggestion. It was not a "snarky little comment" in the least. If I could have helped, I would have. The answer was a new one for me.
Most people understood what - you meant
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and did not think it was snarky. However, there will always be those who seek offense where none is offered or intended and will twist whatever they see to fulfill their need for outrage. Just ignore them. They are sad and miserable and are trying to drag everyone else down with them.

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