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Recommendation for those ever-recurring little corrections. - MissIndigo

Posted: Oct 25, 2009

You know, where you have to stop and type in a "his," "the," "no," "were," "and," or separate a run-on into 2 sentences, add a "She" to a sentence, change a letter, join 2 sentences into one, etc., because VR goofed.

This has been working well for me:  Use

SINGLE LETTERS (T, E, F, and so on) for the very most common words and corrections.

Like T for "the," N for "no," E for "was", J for "has," F for macro that toggles letter from lower to upper and upper to lower case, X to replace comma with period.

Keys your fingers reach quickly and easily (like in the middle of the keyboard) are especially valuable, but choose combos that feel right for you. Intuitive is good here since obviously not all words can use their own first letter.  I love every one of mine. Correcting with a single letter is wonderfully fast.


Like EE for "were," TT for "to the," NN for "not", FF for changing case of an entire word, // for connecting two words with a slash (fever/chills),  a pair of ,,  for connecting two sentences with a comma, RR for adding a "He" to the beginning of a sentence and lower-casing the next word, etc.

* Not all expanders allow symbols to be used.


Like NE for "none." I should change that one since it requires me to use both hands. Doubles that require only one hand to be moved away from the sides of the keyboard* and feel comfortable are prize. Like "none" could be NJ, except I already use that for "normal." For the same reason, my short for "if" is IK; easier, thus faster even though it's the same number of keystrokes.

* In editing, most people are finding a more functional home position for hands is over the CRL/ALT/SH keys and SPACE BAR on the left and over the function keys and the ARROW keys on the right.

BTW, over time I discovered that I needed more and more of the twin-key and two-different-key combos for punctuation correction macros, which are I guess the most common errors of all, as well as other very commonlly used macros.  Like MM to page down and then return the cursor to where it was.  Like .. to back up, insert a period, and cap the next word. BB to join two words so they don't break at the end of a line.

I really haven't been using letters with the number line and am wondering why on earth not. Strange. There are a good 300 or so combinations possible there, subtracting the few already in use. But if F7 is in use, 7F probably is not...  That break of a beam of light through my cloudy brain recently was like getting a wonderful present.  For me it requires moving the arm a bit, though, so I'll assign secondary functions to them. Like J7 could replace the Home Key, which I find clumsy to use and don't use that much anyway aside from including it in macros. 

Needs change with new accounts, new dictators, new favorite glitches VR develops, and so on, but these can be changed easily. You DO remember them quickly because they're used constantly. Your fingers remember them amazingly fast as well, allowing you to "forget," so writing each down in a notebook as it's created is extremely helpful. I've made a bunch I didn't use that much before I internalized them and now only "discover" when my fingers slip. I also have a terrible time figuring out what a macro is for if I haven't bothered with a description. 

In addition to increasing speed wonderfully, using the expander this way can help improve quality tremendously. Correcting with a single letter or twins is so fast that people unhappy because they're supposed to leave reports sloppy can become happy again and still build up that speed.  Best wishes. :)

What company allows you to be sloppy in VR? - VR lover

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My hospital seemed to slack off on all these picky things other talk about, if a word containing a hyphen needs 1 and the overuse of commas but the work sure is not what I would consider sloppy. More than what you call sloppy is the fact we have been told to leave reports by ESLs the exact way they dictate, now that bothers me, not the look of the report itself.

If I used all those keys in order to get faster, gosh would probably top over 700-800 lph as with not using all those keys my line averages for these past 2 days 581 for Friday and 523 for Saturday. Not bad for a person who just does not use any of the so called keys we are supposed to use in order to make us speed demons. I am very happy in my little own world with the old way of using that mouse, now for those ESLs...

does this work in any VR program you think? - gitarMT

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I am fairly new in VR but am finding it not nearly as productive as just typing reports myself, except for it does pick up words I would not hear first time through on my own. Your tips are going to be hopefully beneficial. I am going to try to wrap my head around them.

That is about the worst thing when you have to change cases or change 'The patient' to 'Patient' about 25 times throughout a report. It is nuts. Especially with verbatim. For myself, I am thankful for any tips.

I am assuming by sloppy reports you may mean verbatim! Personally where I work verbatim can be used just to kind of constantly find fault with MTs. I find it too subjective and leaves MTs in open-fire for criticism too many times for my liking.

Thanks MissIndigo

Regarding expanders and platforms.. - MissIndigo

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Hi, GitarMT. The people who invented expanders and rescued me from making dozens of (The) Patient corrections each day are my true heroes.

The very short abbreviations I'm talking about would be entered into an expander program. Your employer may provide one, but most of us buy our own. MS Word has a very limited expander capability that many use to start out.

How any particular expander program will work with your company's platform (the program you work edit your reports on) is something you have to find out.

The good programs are compatible with probably all of the most common platforms, and their providers can answer your questions about that and help get you started. Shorthand and InstantText are both great.

You can download thousands of short forms to them to start a "dictionary" of short forms to work with, and InstantText has a dictionary-building function that will scan your reports for repeated words and phrases.

By "sloppy" reports I mean the new relaxed guidelines some companies adopt for editing the text VR produces and we clean up. Like not bothering to add the "The" that was dictated and just let a sentence start out "Patient reports that..." Or leaving as is something like: "...has no chest pain, no diaphoresis. No chest pressure." when the clinician clearly dictated a sentence. Sloppy. A lot of people aren't happy if they can't clean that up a bit, like me, and being about to change Patient to The patient with 2 keystrokes you don't even bother to think about is nice.

You're sure welcome, OldMT. I used an expander for a year probably before this occurred to me, so busy adding thousands of medical words that I didn't stop to think that what I needed far more was all those connecting words found all over every report. Since expanders were so new, and developed new capabilities as time went on, I ended up reinventing my hammer several times. :)

yes but how do you actually change those things - gitarMT

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thank you MissIndigo! I do have an expander, it has been building for the last probably 6 years and is my lifeline. My question would be more of how would I change patient to The patient quickly, as you mentioned before - you mean use 'n' or single letters not often used and add that way? I currently use 'tp' and 'pi' - is that the same thing you mean?

I really like your tips
Yes, tp for the patient is exactly what I mean, just - MissIndigo
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suggesting you find the words and corrections you find yourself typing ad nauseaum and add them in the same way. You're probably always typing in a "the," so that could be T, S for she.

N is fine for no; editing is all about getting those no's and nots in there. How about N for normal, N for negative, uh, oh... Maybe M for normal, or NN? NG for negative?--no, that requires both hands. How about NM, or should it be...K? And so on. It takes some fiddling but is so, so worth it. You'll fall in love with the ease and end up using every key available for this.

Thank you so much... - oldmt

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Thanks so much for the tips! I'm just starting in VR and working hard to build up speed, and every tip from you "veterans" of VR helps so much.

Thanks MissIndigo - VR gal

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Great post for VR folks to get ideas on expanders. On a side note, might I add to never stop learning about your platform and any ideas others may have to speed you up. I'be done VR for four years straight and never stop learning or reading or researching. By doing this, it just makes it easier for you in the long run, and time is money as we all know!!!!

Miss I Rocks - new to VR

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This is great information. I'm just starting in voice recog (eScription) after 12 years in the field. Do you mind sharing your production per hour? Are you editing reports already transcribed with eScription or transcribing? Thanks~!

You're sure welcome. I'm thrilled to see so many - MissIndigo

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can-do people taking on this latest challenge in an era of galloping change.

OldMt, I was messing with something this morning and thinking a thread on verb endings might be helpful. I don't know what various expanders are doing in this respect for their users.

Agree so strongly, VR Gal. Personally, having reached some comfort at this point in time, I'm gazing into a cloudy crysal ball wondering what comes next. :)

New to VR, I do VR almost exclusively these days to save my hands. Production per hour rates can be very misleading. My LPH, even with greatly expanded use of expander, are actually lower than they used to be when I worked top-line institutions on EditScript with good dictators overall and an excellent platform. BUT the line rate was very low to balance it out. My current accounts and platform require a whole lot more editing, but I'm paid more than twice what I would be on EditScript. That's why when people ask if they should take a job for $0.5 a line, my thought is, "Depends. Maybe."

Regarding speed, I'm regarded as a very high producer, but I'm not among those at the top. I'm just too slow a typist for that.

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