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Letters wearing off keyboard...anyone have a solution? - Kiki1

Posted: Sep 07, 2010

Anyone had any luck with a white sharpie? 

I've heard of those letter stickers but also hear they don't last. 


keys - nan

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This will work if you still have all the letters. Try clear nail polish over the keys. This works. You do have to replace the polish after awhile. Just something I tried and it worked.

Laser etched keyboard - I had to get one too

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I found mine on Amazon for about $30, got tired of having to buy a new keyboard every few months -- and you can even put it in the dishwasher if you spill something on it.

white nail polish or photo (silver or gold) markers . . . . - s/m

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I never buy a new keyboard just because letters are worn off - photo markers are great for marking lots of different items, they have a reflective appearance, then just coat with clear nail polish every so often. . The French manicure nail brushes are very thin and better in small areas.

What do you need the letters for? I don't even look at my keyboard.. - nm

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I've worn my letters down to the metal underneath - L&L

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the plastic and still worked. Keyboards are cheap. I keep a half dozen on hand (I accidentally spilled "not beer" on mine one night...live and learn).

Personally, I don't need the letters. Mine wear off - sm

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within 2 to 3 weeks of getting a new keyboard every time. Since no one uses it but me, it doesn't really matter.

I use keboard skin - anon

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I've been using keyboard skin for years. It also protects the keyboard from dirt, crumbs, and dog hair. They don't interfere at all with typing. Google "keyboard skin." They'er custom made to fit all models of keyboards. Cheap too.

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