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Update on taking 1/2 point off for blanks ... SM - Assassin

Posted: Apr 14, 2013

I looked over another email I got previously and it says that these scores are not a part of our bonus scores.  I don't know why they are on there at all ... but if you go to the drop-down box marked Audit Types you would pick Post Audit.  This will be the correct scoring for the bonuses. 


I just wish I knew why they kept track at all.  When I first read this email when it came out, I didn't understand that I guess because I had just looked recently at my score and I did everything the same as before ... and this time the other day it was different.  So I guess it got updated in the meantime. 


Anyway--don't freak out too much I guess until you know your true score. 


The reason I looked up my score the other day in the first place is because I wanted to know this:  They put everyone at 99% for the next 3 months, but if I am actually above that, which I am by a tiny bit, would they lower me?  The answer was yes, they did. My score is stated at 99% on my timesheet.


What is the point of that?  


I hope I didn't confuse anyone too much but thought I should update that it is not on our bonus score at this time (the blank deductions).

Your timesheet score is last quarter's score and will stay the same - through this whole quarter.

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Your bonus is predicated on what your last quarter's score was, not your current score. That's part of why it's so unfair; it's done quarterly, and you're stuck with that score for the whole next quarter in terms of bonus eligibility.  If you get 98.9% one quarter, too bad, no bonus at all for the next 3 months. 

But you're right about blanks IF they're part of a report that's been submitted by you to QC; that won't count towards your QA score/bonus eligibility.  If they're deducting for blanks on any post-audit/QA report, though, I would challenge it. 

Still disheartening to see, though. - Former glass half full person.

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Even though I understood the blanks did not actually count against anything, my self-esteem took a nosedive the first time I saw a low-80% score because of blanks. An extremely difficult dictator, over 20 mins long, and, yeah, lots of blanks. QA filled in a few, marked the rest as difficult dictator, and yet it felt like I was the only one being penalized. There are 0 points for other categories, so why not for extra blanks? I don't blame QA/QC for getting annoyed with "blank abusers," but there must be a better way to deal with the abusers without beating the rest of us down. (Taking a deep breath now. Three more months and I can work on getting away from this place.)

Don't beat yourself up over >>> - PPB

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Don't beat yourself up over their minutia, it really is meaningless. Just their way of keeping you under their thumb. Instead of focusing on errors, just type to the best of your ability as fast as you can in order to make money. Their bonus is a joke and raises are nonexistant.

Points taken for blanks - FYI

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I work in QC and we are told to NEVER take points off for blanks. If we feel someone is abusing blanks we are to let our TM know and they will address it with that MT's TM.

Exactly. It really seems like each division - sm

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does things differently. I am a QC on the Dictaphone platform, and we are constantly told to never, ever take off for blanks.
We recently got an e-mail for escription regarding blanks - anon
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It stated that we would have points taken off for "excessive" blanks. In addition, if we were deemed to be abusing the system you would get a verbal warning and potentially terminated (gotta love that word, almost sounds like they will feed you to the fish).
I received a - similar email
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that said they would be scored as blanks filled in by reviewer minor 0.5 points for blanks that were easily heard and/or easily filled in or required little to no research.

I think if we could easily hear what was being dictated, we wouldn't leave the blanks! We're screwed if we do, we're screwed if we don't!

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