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MT Position with Nuance? - Vera

Posted: Jun 13, 2014

I have been offered a medical transcription position at Nuance. Expected pay is 8cpl, 65-character lines, 1,000 lines per day (Qualified Text 1cpl - really not sure what this means and how it relates to pay). FIESA is not mentioned, although I have seen it mentioned in this forum and it makes me a bit nervous. Any opinions on this company, whether I should take this position or not, and whether this is fair pay (I was paid hourly + a production bonus at my prior job, so I can't quite relate to this mode of pay) would be greatly appreciated!

MT position with Nuance - Disillusioned

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Not sure you would get 8cpl. Platforms can go up to 1488 lines per day. I would double check and make sure it's on your job offer.

Position with Nuance! - Run!

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Do not work for this horrible company. I did for three months and couldn't get out fast enough. Also, don't believe these recruiters, they say anything to get you hired. There is not one positive thing about N and since you were paid hourly before, you will not believe how little you will make doing this and how hard you work; again, look elsewhere and tell them you have never heard anything positive about this company to make you want to work for them.

Nuance - Vera

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Thanks for taking the time to respond, much appreciated! Nuance is starting to sound a little scary...

The money part....... - Oldtimer

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I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with this poster about how hard you work for what you get paid. I meant to mention that in my other post. I was calculating it all out the other day and I make WAY LESS than minimum wage for the amount of time and energy I devote to work. It's not worth it. The accounts are super horrible with ESL's who are the worst of the worst. You sit there and SUFFER through the dictations, poor quality of the dictation and then you get corrections through FIESA from one of their past SUPER MTs where they have filled in your blank or made a correction that would HAVE TO BE a guess on their part. They have put in words into my reports that they would have to be guessing because there is no way humanly possible ANYONE could understand what the doctor was saying. No way! Run Forest RUN!!!!!

I assume 8 is for straight typing? You need to ask... - how long

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you'll be doing straight typing until you transition to VR (voice recognition) because that will be an immediate 50% pay cut. And qualified text can be headings, normals/macros, PE, etc. Since making normals of the things the dictator says all the time is one of the ways to make good money, that will be a large pay cut too. For example, if the physical exam is the same every time and is put in as QT, you will only be paid 1 cpl for that.

You guys are scaring the begeebers out of me. - Long time with Nuance...

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From what you all are saying, I'm thinking that new acquisitions are being paid these rates, i.e., 2 cents, 1 cent, etc. This must be the standardization that is coming in October. Boy, I hope I can get something else lined up soon.

Nuance - Vera

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Yes, it is for straight typing. Thank you responding & explaining, and for giving me a heads up on what is probably coming with this company

1 CPL for QT? - What is that?

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What is this 1 cpl for QT. I don't even know what QT is, and I've been with Nuance over 2 years!

I'm on dictaphone and get the classic 8/4, no exceptions. Granted, they've never told me if the headers are counted (which I have to type several things in there), etc.

QT - Vera

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I guess it stands for Qualified Text and it is stuff like headings, normals, macros, etc. Only paid 1 cent per line for these. You've been with Nuance for 2 years, are you happy with them?
Devil I know... - Am I happy?
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Yeah, I've unfortunately been here for 2 years. I've been looking for something else in that time, but every place I've found for transcription is about the same as far as pay. In terms of editing, Nuance wrote the book on editing, so I'd rather work for the company that made the software than for someone else.

I hate it here. I have never felt so demoralized or defeated in my life.
I'm trying to get out of this field altogether.

Run as fast as you can! - anon

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The recruiters are very nice, but they are not MLS. And they have their 4-year degree and sit in the office and lie their a^%#@ off. Exciting changes coming in October (which is Nuance speak for something bad for MLS) and good for Nuance's pockets. Their corporate speak sickens me.

Nuance - Vera

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Ugh! Just went through "exciting changes" with my previous employer. This does not bode well...

Exciting changes.... - sadie

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The company I was with was acquired by Nuance last year, and we MTs became formal employees of Nuance mid-April. Everything I've been reading on these boards for a long, long time pretty much said things might be kept "the same" as with my former company for about 6 months, but that things would change for the worse around that time.... October is 6 months... hmmm...

Sounds like former Accentus - now Ambulatory Div. - see mess

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Ambulatory Division is quite different from Acute. It is straight typing, with templates and normals that you bring in and those are what you get paid 0.01 for (QT lines). Different accounts have varying amounts of it; some very little, others a lot. So far it works for me.

Some things have changed since Nuance transition, most others have not. No FEISA at present. We have no way of knowing what other changes are coming, and depending on your TSM and accounts, it can be a very good place to work (so far), or not. As with most companies, it is the luck of the draw on what you get.

There are growing pains as with any acquisition. If flexibility and no speech recognition are important to you, I would say give it a try.

Good luck!

Nuance - Vera

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Thank you!

Gotta ask - why would anyone dislike my comment? - see mess

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I was merely explaining the difference between the Ambulatory Division which was Accentus and my experiences thus far, and how it is right now - not how it will be in the future. I know some people had bad experiences with Ambulatory - but that is true anywhere you work, and not just the MT field.

Truly just curious? Not management, just an MT offering my assessment.

Taking position - Oldtimer

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Please look somewhere else unless you enjoy being brow beat for every tiny little thing. It's bizarre how much they do it and I feel ashamed I have stuck around with this company. I mean that. I really feel ashamed anymore to say I work for Nuance when I talk to others in the MT field. FIESA is a program that they use for QC that was developed in India by their partners over there. It has an error code for almost anything you can think of. From a missed comma to incorrect verbiage, etc. They pay an endless number of QC people to pick apart your reports so they can pay you less for the work you do. Nuance just about has a monopoly on medical transcription accounts RIGHT NOW. In the very very near future they will be without like the others who have folded...all due to mandatory changeover to electronic medical records. Then where are the middle and upper management going to be? Yep, you got it. Right out on their bonzookas just like us. I'm sure they are all thinking they would be the exception. Nope, they are NOT the exception. No more micromanaging and doing everything by email. They aren't going to know what to do. Yes, I'm bitter. After being with them for over 7 years, I'm bitter, VERY bitter. PLEASE look somewhere else. It's not worth the misery you go thru to consider yourself "employed".

MT with Nuance? - Vera

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You have no idea how much I appreciate your honest opinion. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question

You've got a much better deal where you are! - YB

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Stay put!

You might earn those rates .. - if there is work.

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Every time there is a hospital acquisition, those "acquired" MTs will be crammed onto existing accounts as their own account/work types become more streamlined and less available as more and more of it is done more efficiently with voice wreck and 3 shifts of people to do the work.

Think of it like when a larger dog moves into a pen already crowded with too many dogs. All the pre-existing dogs have to scooch over yet again (exist on less) to make room for the new dog in the cage.

You will never be told when this is going to happen, of course.

All the recent talk about capacity optimization? That is just a fancy name for what they been doing all along. Shifting everyone around trying to keep too many clients happy while losing experienced old dogs who just got way too tired of scooching over to new accounts all the time just to stay alive.

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