A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I may be leaving this job way sooner than I figured....sm - LoveMT

Posted: Sep 14, 2013

Several things have happened in the last 6 to 8 weeks or so where my accounts are concerned.  First, my primary account was changed to basically a secondary and the worst of the worst accounts (which happened to be like #4 in my list/queue) was moved to the #1 slot.  It didn't take me 2 weeks to realize that I was going to have a nervous breakdown if I had to continually do this particular account ALL of the time (and I do mean ALL of the time) because pretty much no one else is working on it or even wants to work on it.  Can't say that I blame them one single bit either! 

I have requested my original primary be moved back to #1 and be allowed to do the "horrible" account occasionally or even 2nd in line.... That was probably 4 weeks ago.... STILL nothing has changed.  My production has taken a nose dive into nothingness, and of course my paycheck is suffering.  I have taken to working on my days off here and there, staying on an extra 30 minutes to an hour, etc. in order to make up time lost when this "horrid" account has no work at all and/or trying to get some good production in with my secondary account, all the while paying careful attention to my hours so I don't go over the 40 hours. 

I am beyond stressed out!  I'm either not sleeping at all or wanting to sleep ALL of the time because the ONLY thing I do when I'm out of bed is sit at this computer and frantically try to make a paycheck that will at least get me to the next paycheck!  I feel like a dog chasing my dang tail!  I have sent 2 emails in the past week to my TSM requesting to talk about this and have received no reply at all... That seems especially strange to me because she's normally fantastic about answering emails, AND she is a really good TSM.

Just when I thought I couldn't take another minute of the stress, a friend called me about a prospective job opening.  She is leaving her office position at one of our local electric companies and she said that her supervisor/boss told her he has no idea how he's going to replace her.  He told her he has plenty of resumes on file, but none that he would even consider for her position.  She said she immediately thought of me!  She briefly spoke with him and then she called to tell me to bring my resume in on Monday.  She's going to let him know that she would be willing to train me prior to her leaving, and she has about 6 to 8 weeks before she is officially on her last day. 

My friend loves her job and doesn't really want to leave, but she has a new baby, a husband in the military who works away from home for months at a time, and she is finding it difficult to keep up the hectic pace of work and a baby and having to do it alone most of the time since he is away.  She doesn't "have" to work, so she made the choice to quit her job and be a stay-at-home mom until her son is older.  She said her boss is very family oriented and always tells his employees that "family should always come first before anything else, even a job."  He treats his employees as though they were his family members. 

She told him I'd be perfect for her position, and she pointed out that she had absolutely no experience when he hired her, so she knows that I shouldn't have any problem learning the ropes.  She has really put in a good word for me! 

My fellow MTs, please say a prayer for me, send good thoughts, or whatever it is that you believe in!  I am so very much hoping that this job opening becomes mine.  The advantage for me is that he hasn't advertised the position and the only people who know my friend is leaving are him and her. 

I can't take any more stress in the current situation I'm in at Nuance.  I can't even do it for the 4-5 months that I had initially figured I could make it through and then quit.  So, keep me in your good thoughts for Monday!  You guys have all been a huge inspiration to me many times when I have come here to the board and have been feeling like throwing my computer out the window and my hands up in the air and just saying "I QUIT!" 

My wish for each and every one of you who are unhappy and struggling is that you find a place to work that gives you some peace and at the very least treats you with respect.  You all deserve much better than what you have been given here lately!

Hang in there my friends! 

Light at the end of this tunnel - BillyRubin

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Love transcription and company bought out by Nuance. Nuance = horrible pay, very little time off, no bonus, no raise year after year in fact a deflated wage, most of the time OOW.

Probably thought at first, I could change unfair behavior with submissive niceness, but found that was like trying to smother a fire with gun powder. Reality taught me the high road is something quite different: The courage to know and follow your own truth. I have since quit.

I lost all respect for Nuance. Wanted them to fire me. Went OOW even on days there was work.

Never happier to lose a job in my life. I now feel content. MLS and clients are leaving Nuance like rats leaving a STINKING ship and it is so obvious why, lack of communication with everyone, mismanagement, unrealistic goals, lack of respect, pressured environment, getting more and more top heavy, cheap and greedy.

I can totally relate!....sm - LoveMT

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I have always loved transcription. I was originally with MDI of Maryland, then bought out by Transcend, and I was perfectly fine working for Transcend. It was a little different than MDI, but NOTHING compares to what Nuance has done to its transcriptionists! I have stayed and given them more than enough time. I KNOW I'm not staying with this MTSO and after all these months and months of the crap, it has totally ruined my entire outlook on medical transcription.

I don't even WANT to look for another transcription position. Nuance has done that to me. Nuance has ruined something that I loved for so long and enjoyed for so long. So whether I get this office job or not, I'm still NOT staying at Nuance and I'm not staying in transcription.

I am planning on going back to school for nursing sometime next year. If I do get this office job, the nursing classes are offered at night for people who work during the day, so it will work out perfectly for me and still allow me to be able to work full time in order to help support my family. My husband is severely crippled, so the little income his SSI provides is not enough to support us and the 2 teenagers we still have left at home.

Best of luck to you! I have come to realize that my happiness and health are much more important than trying to frantically make a paycheck and be continuously miserable all of the time.

My 14-year-old daughter said it perfectly a while back. She was nominated to attend a medical careers seminar/teaching thing that is offered in 14 different cities across the United States during the summer at some of the most prestigious hospitals. It's an awesome program! I was extremely proud of her! She would get to tag along with medical residents and medical students while they work in some of these hospitals and things like that. She misunderstood what the program was about, and she said, "No Way Mom!! I don't want to end up like you are now!" :) I had to laugh because she didn't understand that it wasn't medical transcription, but she definitely had a point when she said she didn't want to be like me!

to BillyRubin - nakedandafraid

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You put it all in a nutshell which I felt but didn't know how to put it in words. But I have not been able to find a job since March. I don't quite know what to tell people when they ask me why I don't work there any more. I was terminated but because of the new TSM I suddenly had that was very rude to me. I survived for 31 years of transcription until those two evil women came into my life. Even my girlfriend told me it sounds like they are making a case against you, and she was right.

naked and afraid - BillyRubin

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Naked and Afraid:
I hope that you can find a new job that treats you with the respect you deserve for the quality of work Iâm sure you deliver. When people ask why you don't work for Nuance anymore, tell them the truth about what kind of company Nuance is.

You know that saying âthe truth will set you free,â will this company was not my truth.

In the beginning, I was hornswoggled by this Draconian company called Nuance. The first thing was wage devastation, then the work vanished and became almost imperceptible, stagnating and underemployed while dealing with their skullduggery in regard to QA, I felt like I was volunteering, but if I am to volunteer, it is going to be for a collaborative system and not an authoritarian one. There is better life just the other side of Nuance. I have been set free by the truth and you can be too.

To LoveMT - mtmom23

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Sending you truly positive thoughts and prayers for this new opportunity!! Will keep you in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

Best of luck to you :0)

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, but it sounds like you'll probably be hired! - Congratulations

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Please come back and let us know how your new job is going for you (I'm thinking positively here). What a nice friend you have there, too!

Thank you! And I will definitely keep ya'll updated!....NM - LoveMT

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No message

More thoughts - MT headed

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It is totally unethical and wrong for an employer to replace an employee in the method you are describing. That position needs to be posted, at least internally, to see if any current employees want to apply. Most managers want to interview more than one candidate before making a hiring decision; if he doesn't, he is a fool. As someone who was laid off and went on interview after interview before finding a job, this story makes me angry. Be careful who you tell about how you got the job, especially your coworkers with seniority who may not have known about the opening because they didn't post it. I know you mean no ill will to anyone, but most people these days are not just handed jobs because they have friends.

Wrong. A business owner can handle - his business

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however he wants. And you know the old addage: It is not what you know but who you know. This has nothing to do with ethics.

That may be true - MT headed

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But this is an electric company, which means that they probably have policies in regard to HR, and that supervisor probably answers to someone else. I've had enough jobs to know what something like that can do to employee morale. From some of the other things that were said, it also sounds as if hiring decisions are weighted in favor of people with families, and that is discrimination. Whatever, I don't work there so it's none of my business. I hope the OP gets the job, wish it were that easy in every situation.
The supervisor IS the business owner....sm - LoveMT
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Yes it is an electric company. The supervisor IS the business owner so he has the final say. There is one other person that my friend talked to, and I have to assume that she IS the HR department. Does that explain exactly how small this community is? An HR department here normally consists of 1 person, not exactly a department.

I hope I get the job too. And I definitely never expected it to be this easy, but I have been praying for God to open a door for me, and I believe with all my heart that this is the door.

I hope that you are able to find a job without having a lot of problems. I wish you only the best my friend. We all deserve the best of the best.

Bah, humbug! - nasty reply, shame on you...nm

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I don't think it's wrong.....sm - LoveMT

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It's an entry level position. I live in an EXTREMELY small community. The employees working in this office have been with this particular business for years and years. There is no huge turnover rate, and THAT speaks for itself!

The business owner can choose to hire from within without advertising and there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that, BUT he has no one "from within" to hire. Everyone else is already in the higher up positions.

I think I could understand your position IF I lived in a larger city, but this is not the case. This community is so small that jobs like this are few and very far between. And because it is such a small place, everyone knows everyone, but most of the time in order to get into a good job with a decent employer without having to drive a couple of hours into the city, you have to "know" someone.

The local hospital here is very small too, about a 40-50 bed hospital. When I first went to work there, it was because I "knew" someone who helped me get a spot as a ward clerk or unit secretary or whatever the heck they are called now. The position was NEVER advertised EXCEPT within the hospital, and no one wanted it because it was an entry level position that paid minimum wage. I worked my way up from that position and into a spot in medical records. The spot in medical records also was not advertised, not even within the hospital. The medical records director frequently visited upstairs where I worked and just pulled me aside one day and asked if I'd like to give it a try being the secretary for medical records. I said yes basically because the hours were way better.

While working as the medical records secretary, I learned all about medical transcription because it was done in the same office. That is when I decided to get some schooling for it. My director encouraged me to do it.

I was 1 class/test away from completing my medical transcription program when one of our transcriptionist gave her notice. The medical records director allowed me to fill her spot on a "trial" basis for 60 days to see if I liked it enough to stay and to see if I could do the job right from her perspective. I made it with flying colors.

I don't see a thing wrong with someone running a business and hiring a person referred by one of his own employees. At the very least, he has an idea of what kind of employee he'll be getting to replace the one that is leaving. Not many people will stick their neck out to recommend someone who can't or won't do the job, especially not in a town as small as this.

Do I feel bad because the position hasn't been advertised to the outside world yet? Not one bit. My friend only just gave her notice (way in advance giving them more than 8 weeks to find someone) this past week. He hasn't had an opportunity to "advertise" the position, but the rest of his office staff are aware that she is leaving and I'm sure if they had problems with his hiring practices they wouldn't still be working for him 10 and 15 years down the road.

I am praying for you - nm

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Thank you! :) ....NM - LoveMT

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Glad for you - MN

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Go for it. Run away from Nuance as fast as you can.

Sitting here tonight unable to sleep thinking or should I say dreading having to work again tomorrow. I don't want to, and I think this is it for me. I would imagine you and I were on the same dreadful account, and I cannot take another day of it. Today was my last day! No job would be better than this one . . . really.

No rest for the weary or the wicked :)....sm - LoveMT

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Thank you for your kind words. I hope every one of us find a way out of this terrible place.

I too have horrible insomnia problems, which are worse than ever lately because of the stress from this job. God never gives us more than we can handle, and I keep telling myself that over and over again. I'm praying for all of us stuck in this situation.

I will pray for you that you find something that suits you. :) This position isn't guaranteed to me, but I have at least stuck my foot in the door. The absolute only thing keeping me in this job is that financially I can't afford to quit until maybe February or March, and then I'd still need something even at minimum wage, but anything is better than the current situation!

Prayers for all my fellow MTs!

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