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I'M SOO CONFUSED! - GoingCrazy

Posted: Oct 26, 2009

Certainly nothing new to be confused over QA, but this one is really confusing me.  Perhaps I missed the memo.  I had mL changed to cc by QA.  Yes, dictator stated cc, but I surely do remember being told to use mL instead so why was it changed to cc....not sure.  The other change was 12 mm changed to 12-mm.  Confused by this one as well.....that's my typing vent for the day!  Thanks for listening : )

some answers - derailed

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I was told that if the client only goes by JCAHO, then we are to use cc, but if the client profile says AAMT and JCAHO, then we are to use mL. Look at the client profile for that account and see what it says.

The 12-mm thing is correct if it is used as an adjective, 12-mm drain, 6-cm incision, etc.

Hope that helps.

Actually, cc/mL isn't on the JCAHO Do Not Use list anymore, - sm

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so we are to leave it as 'cc' if dictated that way, unless the CP says otherwise.

"cc" still on "do not use" list of 3/2009 - sm

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The only "Official Abbreviations List" that I see on jointcommission.org is dated 3/5/2009, and it still has "cc" on the Do Not Use list. Have you found a more updated list?
We are only to go by the top half - sm
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of the page, the official do not use list. The bottom half is 'for possible future inclusion'. The cc/mL one is on the bottom half which is not in effect at this time and not part of the current 'official' list.
You aren't reading it correctly. Where cc is listed it specifically - states NOT part of it - considering it for later.
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no hyphen 12 mm - see link

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scroll down to end of 6.5.2 (Chapter 6..)

there is no link.. please state what pg. of BOS you are referring to - Question Mark

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The incision was 5 mm -- then no hyphen

A 5-mm incision was made -- use hyphen

That is what I learned.

Technically, cc is not correct... - MT

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The correct unit for liquid measurements is mL. Cubic centimeter (cc) is a linear measurement, a measurement of area. They should not be used interchangeably.

Here is an excerpt... - MT

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from a very old piece that explains it quite nicely. I find it interesting.


You are correct - Dinosaur

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The last I knew you are correct, cc is on the forbidden list. QA person was incorrect (unless otherwise specified on CP). It was probably an oversight on the QA's part, as they can get just as confused as we do checking multiple accounts and CPs. The majority of QA are the finest MTs on the planet. However, there are about 2% or less of the QA staff who should have never made the grade, they are what I call "wannabes." They want to have power over others, even if they are incorrect. I am fortunate, our QA team are the best of the best. I have known some of that 2% over the decades, however, and they scare the crap out of me. I recommend CYA, save every email, sample and/or document of instructions you are given, even if they are incorrect, transcribe it correctly, just save the incorrect instructions just in case questions come up later.

PS: Caution, not proofed. It is too late and I am too tired.

cc and mL - sm

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cc is technically incorrect, yet JCAHO still has cc under their "For possible future inclusion" section, and not yet under the "Do Not Use" section--at least on the latest list I can find on the Joint Commissions site, dated 3/5/09. One of our facilities actually requested we stop using mL and leave it as cc, as dictated [don't work for MQ]. Wouldn't it be great to have everyone everywhere on the same page [dream on, little dreamer...] :)

3-cm example - alabamamt

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I use the BOS 3rd edition, and on page 278 under 12.1.7 Punctuation, it says, "Do NOT use a hyphen to form a compound modifier between a numeric value and its metric unit. According to the National Institute for Science and Technology: In the expression for the value of a quantity, the unit symbol is placed after the numerical value and a space is left between the numerical value and the unit symbol. EVEN WHEN THE VALUE OF A QUANTITY IS USED IN AN ADJECTIVAL SENSE, A SPACE IS LEFT BETWEEN THE NUMERICAL VALUE AND THE UNIT SYMBOL. This rule recognizes that unit symbols are not like ordinary words or abbreviations but are mathematical entities, and that the value of a quantity should be expressed in a way that is as independent of language as possible." It goes on to gives these examples: 3 cm wound not: 3-cm wound and 2 x 2 cm lesion not: 2 x 2-cm lesion. Hope this helps!
Doncha just love when they take it upon themselves - sm
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to change BASIC GRAMMAR RULES.... lol.
MedQuist uses BOS 2... NOT BOS 3. Therefore, you are wrong and 3-cm (adjective) still needs hyphen - info
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Very true. MQ uses BOS-2, and the OP was incorrect on both counts. - nm
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Check the new MQ Guidelines/standards that - are available on MT Central

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There you will find the PROHIBITED ABBREVIATIONS list that we are now to be going by on page 5. Pretty much the only abbreviation we encounter frequently that we are not to use is q.d.
Otherwise, all abbreviations as dictated unless client profile states otherwise.
As to the hyphenated metric measurement - that was an error in BOS2 that was recognized shortly after it came out and BOS3 officially corrected it. Although it still shows up in examples of hyphen use in BOS2, which is what MQ uses, metric measurements are never hyphenated.

We follow BOS-2, not 3, so hyphens are used. - nm

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