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Don't you just love when you email your CCM...... - Kiki

Posted: Aug 28, 2011

And you KNOW she got the email but literally ignores it?  The reason I know she got it was that I sent 2 other unrelated emails around the same time (in response to her asking for extra hours, which I said I could do) and another email.....But the one where I actually needed something from her.....where she would actually have to TAKE ACTION, she ignores.  So, now it's 3 days later and still nothing.  I should have IGNORED her email request for extra hours.....just so she can make sure she gets her turnaround time bonus, no matter if it leaves a lot of us with no work today, Sunday.   Argh.  Is it possible to despise a person you have never even met? 

So you are saying they get a TAT bonus.... that really irks me. - lka

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It irks me cuz I am always "right there" when they need extra hands on deck, for my lousy salary....... I am fuming now!!

The MT does the work, the suit gets the perk. - Some things just never change. :(

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Yep, and another thing......in the past at least the CCMs - Kiki

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could offer us bonuses (remember those, girls?) to make it worth our while. Now, we're just supposed to want to help out and be a "team player."

And for those of you who say, "but you're getting OT" YEAH RIGHT.....it doesn't turn out to be OT when you bust your arse one day and then the work dries up the next so you rarely actually run into much, if any, OT.


Yep, getting work out on time has nothing to - do with the clients being

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It is all about the bonus.


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Of course they are going to have 100% TAT when there is not enough work to go around, so why are they getting a bonus?
They aren't always going to have 100% TAT even - Kiki
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with a lot going to India. For example, some clients still at this time refuse to have work sent and/or MQ isn't "ready" yet over there....getting it all over there takes time. I'm sure they are working on a way to send it all over there whether or not the clients approve or not.

As for the bonus, the still NEED to stay within TAT in the meanwhile....gotta "keep the clients" happy....so I'm sure this is why CCM still gets bonuses.....FOR NOW.....their jobs are at stake just as much as ours...
They probably tell the India MTs the same b.s. - they tell us: "Help! We"re falling behind!"
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Which translates to:
"Help! The first payment on my new, 30-foot yacht is this week!"

Hmmm. Here's a thought: Maybe the client doesn't - even know their so-called promised - sm

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TAT is so low. Maybe the supervisors just tell US the TAT is that low, or that things are "falling behind", so that we'll speed up and they'll get more bonuses. Food for thought, eh?

No raises either. - mom2huskies

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I have always wondered if CCMs also get a bonus for not giving raises to the MTs who work on their team.

Kiki, We must have the same CCM - Deafening Silence

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ECHO Echo echo...Hello CCM Ccm ccm...

CCM - old and burned out

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My favorite message from my (new) CCM is the one that accompanies her backlog and says "Thank you for your hard work and dedication." Does anyone really believe any MT is dedicated to this despicable company? MTs are just trying to make a buck which is not easy these days.

I am still dedicated - MTworld

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I am dedicated. I do not believe in the antics that this company displays, however, I am dedictated!

We dont get a backlog, thus - no rah-rah message from CCM

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We hear from her once in a blue moon. And then she says "If you have any questions, contact me and I will be happy to help" which always gives me a big belly laugh since she doesn't answer the phone. Or e-mails.
why dont you get backlog e-mail? - not doing job
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Then what exactly does your CCM do?
you can always check the backlog yourself - North MT
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Using the documanage dep- been doing it for years. If my CCM or the QC wants to send a backlog fine, but they only tell me what we in the North already know- no work. At least they have stopped the excuses- doctors on vacation, back to school, Irene, blah, blah, blah. How about the truth for once- Overhired cheap labor MTs and accounts going to India.

Oh and realize that your CCM is putting in as much effort putting out resumes and interviewing as you and me and everyone else is trying to get out of this hellhole. That is why she doesn't answer the phone or emails. You know darn well when you are fed up with your job you do the bare minimum you have to to avoid being fired until you can quit and tell them to shove it. I wouldn't be surprised if you get an email here very soon notifying you that you have a new CCM.
Yes, believe me, I DO realize my CCM is just as fed up - Kiki
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but she shouldn't take it out on the MTs. I notice she DOES answer my emails when I tell her I can work extra (to lock down the specific hours)...so she still is thinking about that bonus at least. The least she can do is answer my email about wanting to drop to PT. What's it to her? I guess maybe she is thinking "oh you'll be dropping to more than PT or NO time soon enough." She doesn't want to TELL me that (though I already know)...bc all she cares about is her own hide. If I drop to PT it makes it a little more difficult for her to keep in TAT, thus get her bonus while she can. I understand, but it stinks.
Go to MQ Central, HR, policies - North MT
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There is a document called MT ME employment classification. On page 2 it specifies how to switch from FT to PT. Send your CCM an email and document and go up the food chain if you need to.

I fully agree that your CCM should be doing her job a little better and if they made MQ Central just a little more user friendly (oh a search feature would be nice) you wouldn't have to come to this board to get answers. Good luck.
sorry page 3-4 - North MT
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Hope this helps
THANK YOU!!!! n/m - Kiki
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going part time - Former MT
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After the 1st pay cut in 08/2010 I was forced to go to PT to take on more hours with another employer for more pay. My supervisor was always awesome, but she had come over with us from Spheris. Then as we know how it goes things got bad, and things got worse. Finally I could really see the writing on the wall. A week before my account of over 10 years was shipped to India (I assume as it was just said "decreasing volume, not gone from Q) I was offered full time with my other employer. Silly me, I was actually wrestling with the decision That Monday a.m. I got the "gone" Email did one good thing, it forced me to move on..... next day was when I needed to give my employer an answer. I came home from that job at noon, logged on, asked my supervisor to call, we spoke on the phone and I gave a 2-day notice. Couldn't see any point in hanging around working a decent notice when my work was gone....heck, they didn't give us any notice with their antics.

dedicated to what? - North MT

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Dedicated or just doing your job? I am dedicated to my family and providing a paycheck and MQ is just the means at this point in time to do so. I have been hired to produce a certain amount of lines per hour and work a certain amount of hours per week, but that is not dedication, that is just doing my job. I think the CCM is confusing just doing our jobs with loyalty and dedication. I have no loyalty to MQ and plan to leave when I find the right job. MQ certainly has no loyalty to their working force and aren't even doing their job because we run out of work all the time and the benefits this year are the worst they have ever offered.
not the worst benefits out there though - sm
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My husband pays $500 a month for premium, and we have a $6000.00 deductible, so... $12,000 a year! Wanna trade?
seriously close though - North MT
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No family in their right mind would sign up for an out of pocket cost of $36,000 with a high deductible and high monthly premium. Your husband's insurance sounds terrible too but the problem is MQ used to provide very good health insurance and 401K and just recently went as cheap to the company as possible. If you are only working at MQ for the insurance you need to check into private insurance through UHC or others- many MTs on this board have found private plans for much cheaper.
North MT: - sm
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Yes, my husbands was WAY BETTER just 3 years ago. We used to pay $90 per week and had no co-pay to doc, only a $50.00 co-pay for ER, and it covered 100%, no deductible at all! Go from that to $12,000 a year!
I just wanted to say that it is not MQ, it is everywhere and probably more related to, "Everyone deserves health care and someone has to pay for that, so the people who have health care might as well cover that!"

LOL! Yeah, I'm "dedicated", alright. Dedicated to - keeping food in my fridge & roof over my head!

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Nowadays that's about all I can be dedicated to. Those misers don't pay me enough to be dedicated to anything else except my own survival.

Dedication - old and burned out

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Of course! The implication that MTs work extra because they are dedicated to the company is a statement I find insulting. One poster said she is still dedicated but I can't imagine why. What else does this company have to do to you? If they ask you to pay them for the privilege of transcribing would you still feel dedicated? Amazing!!
Dedicated - MTworld
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I am dedicated! I make a great line rate and still have work, so I am still dedicated. If they wanted me to drop a penny a line, I would gladly do so, because I would still be making more than what is being offered on the job board.

I dont want to leave the house or start over with no vacation time and working with women who are "bitchy," well, forget it.

I will stay dedicated for as long as I can.
OABO: I agree with you, and as for the poster who would "gladly take a penny a line less and b - Kiki
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That is the kind of attitude that will always be there and is one of the reasons why we are paid so little.....

There are always going to be those who are willing to "work for even less and be happy to do it" JUST so they don't have to leave the house.

Even if it eventually means making 3 cents a line working 7 days a week....at least they don't have to leave the house....Well I think they will be sitting there in said house eating nothing but bird seed and noodle soup....and they will be HAPPY TO DO IT
see message - MTworld
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I am willing to work for less and be happy at the Q, because it is still MORE THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IS OFFERING!

You people are thick, and miserable.
The only THICK I can see - is
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YOU for jumping on the "cut my pay" bandwagon. Pretty thick to happily accept a pay cut rather than try to fight for decent wages.
see.... I was right - thick
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Fight for decent wages! HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING THAT? By taking a job at another MTSO for 3 cpl less than your making here? Whatever... You go jump from the frying pan into the fire! I will stay in the pan.
sorry not true - North MT
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When I complained at this last pay cut my CCM told me that MQ paid more than most companies including Transcend which she listed at only 9 cpl. So what did I do- I checked it out and you know what Transcend is paying 11.5 cpl. What is that? More than MQ? My CCM lied to me? I think you are the thick one for believing that the Q pays the highest in the industry just because they told you that. You go ahead and take your penny less. Some of us are actually looking to make above the poverty level.
sitting in the house! - Former MT
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What house will they have to sit in? Hopefully they no longer have a mortgage, or they have someone to rely on for paying that mortgage and/or the taxes. As for me, I was forced to leave after the Q bought out Spheris. I should have jumped ship years back when I had the opportunity.... as for sitting in the house, let's just say if I had sat here after 2 pay cuts, having to pay more for my dental (all I could afford) insurance because of their "provider" list, then I had to go to PT so I could work more hours at a part time job paying more, my account of 10 years being shipped (I assume) to India, I wouldn't have a house left to sit in too. I will be forever an MT in my heart, but unfortunately I had to move on, and was very thankful my other PT employer offered me FT for more than I had EVER made hourly at an MT, and certainly more than the Q would ever pay now. I miss being an MT, but I have to eat and pay the bills.

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