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Where to buy a VR crystal ball? - MissKitty

Posted: Feb 14, 2013

Apparently in addition to transcribing, acute listening, and translating . . . now I'm supposed to have ESP skills to know what they MEANT to say even if it is strictly "verbatim," there is a gray area we are to instinctively know called, "Transcription clairvoyance, what the dictator meant to say." Hey, they can't have it both ways - if verbatim is what they demand, verbatim is what they get unless that dictator directs me to change what was said all of the creepy stuff stays! I can't help it if that report looks trashy, or like an idiot dictated it. Afterall, it is verbatim, and . . . you made those hair splitting rules, I didn't. :)

I had a ghastly piggybacker today. - please, just knock me out

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They don't play by the rules at all. It all falls us, and I'm sick of it.

What do you mean by piggybacker? - nm - Spies-R-Us

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multiple reports on one audio file - hate piggybacking

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You have to create separate reports within one audio file, and it's a pain in the neck.
Multiple reports on one audio - I cant stand that. - drives me nuts. Especially when
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you have to scrounge to fill in patient demographics, very time consuming! My biggest pet peeve when it comes to poor dictation habits.

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