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Please stop transcribing "STENT STYLE" POLYP, whomever you are - Hope You Visit This Board

Posted: Mar 05, 2012

As an MT, it just aggravates me to no end to see the same mistakes transcribed over and over by transcription service MTs, or left unedited by VR MTs, and to have no way to inform that MT about the error.  Some MTSOs, you know, aren't responsive.  It isn't as if they provide a complaint hotline.

Decided not to post this in the word help forum, since I am not asking for help with a word.  Kind of the opposite.  I wouldn't think this MT would be asking for help, because this is over and over.  Maybe a forum for feedback would be helpful.  

Anyway, please cease and desist with the "stent style polyp" thing. What in the world would that even be?   

It is SESSILE polyp.    Sessile.  It is in the dictionary and you can google it.

how do you have no way of notifying the MT - of their mistake

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If you are a QA, you would be able to notify the MT.

Seems a little strange to post this on a chat board when you could direct this to the people actually making the error.

:), HopeYou. - Hope your message gets through! NM

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if you are QA - apple

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and checking their work, then surely you can email them directly without having to go to a public forum to correct them? If not, then your company really needs better lines of communication....

QA communication - isolated

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I'm not surprised she cant contact the MT. I dont even know who my QA person is. Where I work, I was told I didnt have any reason to have contact with my QA person or the other MTs on my accounts. We probably work for the same company. No communication with anyone at all except my supervisor.

isolated - isolated too

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I think we work for the same service. All communication has to go through the supervisor. I, too, don't know who the QA people are. I never get feedback on blanks in a report. QA may fill these blanks in, but they sure don't let me know what they filled in the blanks. The supervisor gets all the QA feedback and does not pass it on to the MT. That's not very helpful.

I am not QA and I don't work for the MTSO - Me Again

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I work for the hospital. Yes, I have tried to report the errors, but the MTSO evades the issue, implying that I could never know what the doctor said. Like I could never be as expert as his people. Written pleas go into some black hole.

Our doctors are just disgusted and have developed an attitude they generalize to all MTs now.


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This is sooo rude to inform an MT of mistakes on a forum! It sounds like you are a terrible person to work for that you would do this. I hope I never have someone that is so rude to work for. Have you EVER heard of contacting the MT and telling her WITHOUT EMBARASSING her? It just sounds like you are honking your horn so everyone can think HOW SMART YOU ARE!!!!! Well we really don't think that. Let me tell you what we MTs think, YUCK, YUCK, YUCK TO WORKING FOR YOU!!!!

it could also be viewed simply as a vent - and not personal

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I understand the OP's position. I have seen basic mistakes occur time and time again and wanted to pull my hair out. It really is not appropriate for one MT to contact a coworker whom s/he does not know and say, "oh, hello, stop making this mistake" EVEN if the wording is such that her/his delivery is palatable to the receiver.

I think of it more of a kindness to the person making the original error to be informed that it IS an error, as obviously, this type is error is very elementary and completely unacceptable.

The MT does not work for me! - I just work there.

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And I never mentioned any names. If you see yourself in that and are embarrassed,I am sorry, but you might also appreciate someone letting you know.

Before anyone blames offshoring, this is not offshored.

I have worked at a hospital where we had - overflow MTs ......SM

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And they were through an MTSO with whom we contracted. As the transcription supervisor, I had no way to contact the MTs that worked with that MTSO to let them know of their errors. In addition, no matter how many times I contacted the folks at the MTSO, even if I was able to talk to a "real" person (which was rare), I doubt the info ever got passed along, because I also saw the same errors repeated ad nauseum. In another job as supervisor, with an MTSO, where we subcontracted with other MTSOs for overflow work, the same thing happened - I only had contact with the other supervisor and no way to contact individual MTs. It was frustrating but there was nothing I could do to change it. So - I understand the frustration of the OP - if you see the same mistake over and over and there is not a way to fix it, you want to do SOMETHING to make sure it gets fixed. I think she was venting and trying to fix the problem, NOT wanting to humiliate anyone.

True. If she had wanted to humiliate someone, she would have - sm

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named her. I am very surprised that people thought it was in poor taste of her to post this. If I were the MT making that mistake over and over, I would have appreciated the heads up!

LOL, even if they come here doubt they will make - sm - XXX

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the connection, have stent style polyp ingrained in their head by now. Ya think they would google the phrase to see if it was right since it would seem a bit strange, I do that with anything I am unfamiliar with or trying to figure something out, 9/10 x I find the correct term.

As a last ditch effort see if you can contact the MTSO and have them tell the MT, if it keeps happening tell them that MT is barred from working on that account due to inability to fix their errors. Have had that happen where I work (not to me) but we have 1 MT I know is just not that good, but they don't can her though she is repeatedly asked by clients NOT to work on their accounts. Makes no sense to me but then again it is not my company.

Well if the culprit does not look at this, this is still helpful to others - sm

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It takes a trained ear to sometimes catch these kinds of mistakes. When I first started I keep hearing the doctor say "No obvious abnormality" when he was actually saying "No osseous abnormality". I finally figured this out by myself, but I trained my ear to catch this stuff, now much better at it.

Some people have no business being an MT and "stent style polyp" is one of them. - sm

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Good MTs have a brain and know how to use it. They don't transcribe anything they think they heard unless verified. If this MT consistently makes this mistake, guaranteed they've made lots of others. An MT allowed to continue producing garbage makes us all look like trash.

I do not find this post offensive in the least.

There is hope!! - whiteiris1231

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I just Googled stent style polyp, and the first thing that comes up is please stop transcribing "stent style" polyp!! If the MT ever gets the notion to try to reference it via Google, they will see this!! Kind of scary to see this though. Makes you wonder if they transcribe drugs and dosages properly! Yikes! Such a shame because there are those of us who take our job seriously and validate what we type. It is what we get paid to do! :)

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