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I am bored out of my mind and/or can't concentrate - Please a few hints to get me through the day

Posted: Sep 16, 2014

I have literally put my face in my hands out of not being able to stand working today. Anything to help???

Stand up - Do a few jumping jacks

[ In Reply To ..]
Go to the refrigerator and drink a glass of water or your favorite beverage. Play a game of computer solitaire and try to go back to work. Repeat as necessary.

Go outdoors for a little bit... water the garden, - get the mail, walk the dog, etc.

[ In Reply To ..]
That gets the blood flowing to the brain. Have a treat with some sugar or protein when you get back to your desk.

If you're thinking about things like, "I've got to remember to do this! Or buy that! Or cook this!", just keep a scratch pad next to you and whenever something pops into your head that you feel you must remember to do, just write it down. That way you'll remember it, so you can forget about it and concentrate on work.

Sometimes a short nap helps me, sometimes it makes me groggier. Sometimes to fight the wake-up groggies, I ingest a bunch of caffeine right before I doze off. By the time I wake up, the caffeine has kicked in.

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