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So Bored!! - me

Posted: Oct 03, 2012

I just started doing SR work a few weeks ago, and I have never been so bored in all my life.  Is it just me, or does anyone else find it extremely boring?  It takes everything I've got to not fall asleep while I'm working.  And it seems all I ever do is put in commas.  Also I was given the impression that it would be so easy to do around 300 lines an hour on SR, but I'm sure not getting that.  I'm lucky to get 150.  Not real happy right now. Frown

No, it's not - just you! (nm)

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What company do you work for? sm - hypertyper

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Did you just start SR or did you work for another company first? How easy is it to get a SR job after only doing typing? Hope you get some more jobs so you won't be bored and hope you make your quota!

What % speed are you listening to them? - nm

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wailt til your 6 years into it... - robot

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Cant believe you escaped it this long, but just you wait a few years. There is no enjoyment in life at all anymore. Everything looks gray, nothing has a smell, you wake up, edit, go to bed, you spend any downtime you have staring at a wall...


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Dear Robot: I am so sorry you feel this way. I know that I am frustrated too with my job, which is 90% of my life it seems. I know how I feel so sad that my job has become so consuming and stressful, never knowing if you are going to do something to get fired, feeling like the axe is hanging over your head constantly, but I was hoping there was not anyone who felt the same way. I do not wish that on anyone else. I hope things get better for you. I only work 24 hours a week, but work 6 days a week. I am semi retired, and had to give up half of my Social Security forever to do this at 62. Next March I will be 65, and I will be no better off. I can't retire completely, as I cannot live on $800 a month. So I will have to continue working unless a miracle happens. It is so scarry to think about the future. I am divorced, and have no help there. But I know I am just a grain of sand on the beach, just like so many other people my age. :(

To: Nature sm - anon

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Are you sure about Social Security? I've been reading up a lot lately as I will be 62 next year. It sounds like if you start collecting at 62, but keep working, that your benefit "may" increase at your full retirement age. Maybe check with the Social Security people. It is all very confusing, but here is a link I found. Hope I am understanding it correctly as I will also be working part time next year and filing for early SS. They may be referring to someone waiting until full retirment age. Hope someone knows what it means!

Bored to tears, but have to change every - other word.

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Would gladly trade to just put in commas.

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