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blanket invite to send resume - fingers

Posted: Jun 16, 2014

I was checking my private e-mail's today and had an e-mail from a person who didn't give their full name but stated in essence that they need transcriptionists and if interested to send in her my resume with no other information at all.  This sounds kind of off to me.  Why wouldn't you identify yourself and what company you represent?

What type of email address did the sender have? - sm

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Any company identifying information in their email address? If it's a Yahoo or Gmail account or something like that, I would totally ignore it.

blanket invite to send resume - fingers

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it was a g-mail account but they followed up with the company name.

Be careful. Could be yet another scam job. - nm

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Seriously? When are you going to stop? Just because - sm
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a company uses a gmail or yahoo, etc, DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A SCAM!!!!!

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