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Webmedx/Nuance pay plan unveiled today. - AnnieOakley

Posted: Dec 13, 2011

It appears they have done away with our paid holidays.  We can work on holidays and have a bonus (if the facility is open and there is work).  If not, we have to take it out of our PTO or not get paid.

My pay  by the new plan is cut from 9  typing and 5 voice recognition to 8 and 4 instead per line. 

The incentive bonus requires 99% accuracy by QA audit, and 15% or less of reports going to QA, paid every 2 weeks.


That size of a pay cut will HURT. So sorry, Annie. - anon

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That's a BIG hit. I'm sure it's not exactly what everyone wanted to hear 2 weeks before the holidays but just know that we are all here supporting you. I'm very sorry about the news. :(

I'm sorry, Annie...sm - Old Woman

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It seems we all took a hit in some form or fashion. My line rate increased slightly, but I took a hit on the graveyard shift differential that was being paid hourly. It is now only a penny/half penny per line, and I usually run out of work in the overnight hours. Not as bad as I had expected, but not as good as I had hoped for either.

This is just the way the industry is going for the time being. No use in looking for another job at this point because most of the industry is cutting rates and those who aren't are not hiring.

God bless us, every one.....

I work graveyard shift too...this is not good - news.

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This is so upsetting. I really thought Webmedx was one of the best to work for and they were the first company where I had consistent work and decent pay and benefits. Now all of that is out the window and I feel betrayed by them for selling out to Nuance like they did. It is not like it was a secret how cruddy Nuance is to the MTs.

AnnieOakley - Old Pro

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That stinks. I would tell them where to go.

nm - nm

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3/4 of a cent is a lot - anon2

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Some people may think that 3/4 of a cent isn't that much of a drop but I just figured it out on my calculator. For instance, my company requires 12,000 lines per pay period. Based on my SR rate at $0.05 cpl for 1200 lines dropping 3/4 of a cent to $0.425 cpl my pay would go down $9 a day. That's a BIG drop over time and would probably put me on the streets. It's like, working 8 hours for the price of 7.

Sorry you all are facing this pay cut. It's not good for you, and it's not good for the rest of us because other companies may follow suit.

Sick and Tired - anon

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This whole thing just makes me ill. I think this is our 3rd paycut, maybe 4th, in the last 2 years. I've lost count. Every time is worse and every time I feel more sick. I think it's time to go back to waitressing.

Couldn't agree with you more if you paid me - anonymous

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I'm quitting but not giving my notice until next week. My last day will be December 23, whether or not I have a new job. At this rate, I'll make more money unemployed than what I can make with them.

I find their use of the term "incentive bonus" ridiculous considering that even maxed out, with my current account specifics, I'll never see a cent, and not because of any lacking on my part. Even if I never have a blank again, for any audio, demographic, cc, discrepancy, or author issue, I have to route to IQA. The company has never differentiated between blank IQA flags and accout-specific IQA flags.

For someone at the max line rate and max bonus, that paycut is $250/pay period. $6500/year!!!! There's no reason for the paycut. It's not commensurate with any increased productivity because of their ASR technology (as technologically advanced as the Fred Flintstone's car).

The health benefits would be untenable to utilize even without the paycut. When I first started, the top-shelf medical plan for a family had a $0 deductible, a 10% coinsurance, a $1000 OOP/person or $3000/family maximum, a $15 PCP copy, and premiums were $287/pay period. Now, the top-shelf plan has a $2500 deductible, 20% coinsurance, 20% copays after deductible, and $5000/person or $10,000/family OOP for $485/pay period. Couple that with the paycut,and even if an employee maxes out the "incentive bonus" at the top pay scale (0.463/line for editing, which is usually 85% of volume plus 0.02/line max bonus), 33% of their paycheck goes directly to medical premiums. And remember, that family still has to make the deductible before coverage kicks in in force. That's $12,610/year at least $2500 before seeing any actual coverage. That leaves less than $1000/pay period for everything else. Keep in mind, that's if you can max out your LPH and bonus (based on QA score and percentage of QA submissions).

It would be cheaper to get catastrophic medical insurance (covers only hopsitalizations and related services) and self-pay for outpatient services.

It's laughable/sad when you consider how much training MTs need to have to even be hired and how much resources we are required to provide ourselves just to be hired, including notarizing our own I9 forms ($10 around here, but still...)

The only reason they can do all this is because we, their employees, collectively accept it. Well I'm not. I can get a paper route that will pay what they want to give me.

agree more and take the pay!! - : )

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Sounds like Transcend - me

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Transcend took over the company I worked for and the first thing they did was take away our leave time. I had been there so long I had worked up to having 6 weeks. Gone. No more sick time, GONE. All lumped into 2 weeks per year. No more personal days or any other days. Flat 2 weeks a year. On top of that, money going down for ridiculous quotas, AND to be such a huge company, try calling somebody. When I left it took just under 2 months to get paid and that was with begging everybody from the top CEO down.

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