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Sick over new Nuance QC pay plan - Another QC

Posted: May 07, 2015

Sick over the new compensation plan.  The number of lines I would have to do to make what I'm used to making is impossible if we are doing full review since they are paying QC'd lines at half of actual line count.  I can't do 100% voice to text and fill in blanks on 250-300 lines an hour all day every day. Heck, back when we just filled in blanks only and did not do full review, we were considered good and meeting goals if we QC'd 220 lph.  No way to do that and watch every word and period on dozens of accounts across 3+ platforms and counting.

I've always given Nuance 100%.  Did all overtime when requested, changed shifts when asked, flexed when necessary, worked holidays without complaint, etc.  I always have given positive feedback and tried to be as supportive of the MTs as possible since we are all on the same side here.

I can't believe I've worked for this company for many years and am taking a huge pay cut.  

Sorry, but you have joined the masses. - nn

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We MLS have been hit again and again with pay reductions, pay grid plan, and of course FIASCO.

Now it is your turn. In true Nuance style they will probably go after QA next.

Gotta pad the pockets of the upper management you know. We all have to do our share so they don't have to reduce their vacation plans.

sucks - anon

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It is sickening. It's hard to see money ripped out of one's hands for "errors" and nit-pickiness that has NOTHING to do with patient care. The MTs have been sickened for a very long time. Hard-working, team-playing, quality-producing, account-jumping, schedule-flexing MTs. Completely unfair, isn't it? :(

Welcome to our world, except we get pay cuts for Christmas - all MTs

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Now, if you had this pay cut AND had to... - Tired

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put up with getting nitpicked to death on so-called "errors" where the meaning is the same thing and the "error" has nothing to do with patient safety, then you'd see what kind of boat we are in. Your pay does not seem to depend on someone else judging it and nitpicking for errors. As someone else on here said, it's all about lowering the MT's pay, and NOT about patient safety. When you can tell me that your work is being graded by someone else for the purpose of finding errors and lowering your pay even further than the original pay cut, then complain. In the meantime, I have no sympathy. Nobody had anything to say about MT's not being able to make a living on such poor wages. Having our work "graded" for certain things that have nothing to do with patient safety and are nothing but nitpicking to cut our wages further is unconscionable. Until your work is "graded" and cut accordingly, well....I just cannot relate.

QC pay plan - tmt

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Unless you were in on the explanation you have no clue about our QC compensation plan. I can tell you that we were told that we are going to be held to a higher standard than the plan for MTs! Our score needs to be practically 100% to be able to achieve an affordable line rate. Yes, we are graded. Not asking for your sympathy, just telling you the cold hard facts. We're all screwed. Have A Nice Day!!!!!!!!!!!

Ummmm.... - sm

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MT scores have to be practially 100% to be able to achieve an affordable line rate (though not really "affordable" at all). Have A Nice Day!!!!!!!

Our work IS being graded to cut our pay further! - Another QC

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Please know what you are talking about before being so rude. I was sick when it happened to MTs as well. We now have to have almost perfect reports and one slip up will ruin our pay as well. For me to make even CLOSE to my current pay, I will have to literally double my line count as well as achieve a 99.5% QA score.

all in the same boat - yep

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Don't argue. Everybody that is not in management and works here is screwed. It is impossible to get the lines needed as well as quality score to make more than minimum wage. I was a high producer, I did the math. In our case we were set up for failure. I just wish some would have had the guts to let us know it was coming earlier on instead of leading us on. At least we made a few people rich in the process. Just get out and start searching because slave labor sucks. If you are a newbie reading this get out of the MT field, please. You will regret it.

Sorry, but.... - Tired

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We were told our pay was being cut in half because we could work and produce twice as much with Escription, for example. It turned out to be more like 25% or 50% (and NOT 100%), depending on how good the dictators were, templates, how many ESL's, etc. So I still have no sympathy. We have been putting up with not being able to double our output for many years now, and hence, minimum wage pay. We didn't like it either and as the economy improves, many more of us will leave for better pay. I suspect that is why Nuance is beefing up its India facilities with more hires. They know most of us are leaving as soon as we can and they intend to replace us with Indians, get rid of American MTs, and then tell hospitals "take it or leave it," particularly the hospitals that don't want Indians doing their work (like mine, before I was outsourced to low wages). But getting back to the original subject, you are echoing us. For me to make close to what I used to get 10 years ago, I would have to do over 4000 lines per day. And get better than 99% QA score...probably at least 95%. MTs have gone through this before! So I hate to say it because it's so crappy and we shouldn't have to put up with this, but suck it up (or go elsewhere). Hopefully we can ALL go elsewhere, eventually.

Not the same world. We are graded more harshly - and dinged for an error of YOURS

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if it's not caught. Unfortunately, I think Nuance has just put into motion their final wrong. In order to survive most QCs will push out garbage like our offshore partners do. This is definitely a quantity over quality setup.

Do you mean to say that... - Tired

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you as a QA or QC are dinged for an error of OURS if you don't catch it? If that's the case, that must mean that there are people on top of you that are going over YOUR work just to see what gets caught and what doesn't. Is this the case? If so, Nuance is wasting too much money paying people (albeit low wages) to check up on peoples' work, with people (getting paid) who are then checking up on THEIR work. Is this what you're saying? If this is the case, I had no idea, although I have suspected there are a lot of extra people being paid that don't need to be either working or paid at Nuance. Sounds like management is paranoid. They'd rather pay a bunch of people to check up on work, whose work in turn gets checked up on (and maybe whose work in turn gets checked up on). Sounds like a bad buy, stock-wise. The organization is too top heavy if this is what's going on. Sounds like they see the writing on the wall. Most of us will be leaving, so then they will try to step up hiring in India. Of course, what they don't realize are that the Indians are unhappy with their pay over there, too! They are apparently treated the same way we are -- not one raise, ever.
Not the same world, we are graded more harshly - Sad and now more broke
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It is true that QC is error scored right along with the MTs. This is being done by the auditors (who are also referred to as QA and most of whom are in India, BTW). If a report crosses our screen, we are 100% responsible for that report and the score it receives, which now with the new plan will lower our already abysmal pay. The work that QC does to correct MT reports DOES NOT, and never has, affected the MT paycheck. Our error scoring is/was considered 'educational' only. That no longer holds true as of this week, however, as QC is no longer scoring MT reports at all, other than to note that a full review was done. We have now become glorified proofreaders, subject to the same pay scale grid thing as the MTs, with a harsher error score % while now having to double our production. On top of that, QC does not get 'assigned' primary and secondary accounts. We are responsible for all of the accounts within a region or platform. All of them! In my case, that is over 40 and rising...we have no real opportunity to memorize what a particular wants, or a particular doctor's spiel, etc. Instead, we are plowing through account specs, samples, google, whatever, to try to fill in these blanks, solve the problems, etc, only now we will have to do it at double the speed, just to keep our paychecks where they were. This is unacceptable. I was hoping that this new scale would give us a bump in pay, a little bit anyway. I should have known better.
Report to QC for blanks - So tired
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This has answered a question I have had for the last few weeks now. Whenever I send a report to QC for blanks, when I check to see what they filled in, it is totally gone over, every comma, semicolon, etc. No patient care errors, but it really has been aggravating me. An example is dictation says times 2 days, I typed for 2 days, and they corrected it to x2 days, I typed nondistended and they corrected it to non-distended. Every single little thing picked apart. I have even had lungs clear in PE changed to Lungs: Clear. Totally picking everything apart. That must take a lot of time, so no wonder the QCs can't get as much done. I really hate this company, it just continues to get worse. Anyone who hires on here deserves what ever they get, if they still take the job after reading all of the negative posts here.

Happy MT Week!! - abc

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MT week is coming up, just there way of making sure you know you are worthless to them.

It almost seems like their strategy is - divide and conquer

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Why two levels of quality control anyway? Maybe to make the QA people feel superior?

Since there seems to be less work for QC once they put that 10% penalty thing in, why not go to one level of QA (which most places have)?

Probably because it wouldn't suit their purpose of having the QA people feel they are more deserving of $ and their time is more valuable.

Honestly, every single other company has QA people who both have to deal with reports with lots of blanks AND the post-audit ones, why does Nuance have 2 layers and they pay more out to all these extra employees with the apparent goal to take away money from the MTs?

If there are truly no inducements to QA for getting points off us in the most nitpicking and unprofessional way, why do they keep doing it?

Nuance are greedy, spiteful, and sick making.

Shenanigans - I call it

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Exactly one of the reasons I brought up this medical transcription industry shenanigans in my letter to Senator Bernie Sanders this week - for Washington to investigate the entire industry ...

spotlight - curious

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Do you think bringing our issues to the attention of a public figure would be of any benefit? I recall reading on this board at some point ideas such as Anderson Cooper and Greta VanSustren (sp?) though I am unsure if actual attempts were made or if it stayed in the discussion stage. I was thinking about the actress, Patricia Arquette (sp?) I know she is a huge women's rights advocate, particularly as it relates to equal pay. I wonder if that could get the spotlight on this industry and what we've been dealing with. The court of public opinion isn't legal, but I imagine Nuance wouldn't want the general pubic to become aware of all their dirty little secrets. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try.
Letter - Bernie
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I wrote an in-depth letter to Senator Bernie Sanders because in watching him over the past several years, he seems to be the only politician who cares about the American worker! The whole industry needs to be investigated by Washington. What can actors do to change the policies in Washington? We need to bring real political change in regards to the transcription industry.
change - curious
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There are many famous actors bringing attention to important causes, charities and injustices, and these do ultimately find their way to Washington. Angelina Jolie is one example that comes to mind. Of course I echo your sentiments that we need to bring real political change to this industry. I was just trying to brainstorm ideas in terms of an advocate for the industry. A voice for the masses that the people who effect change would actually pay attention to.

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