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There is justice in this world! - Ex-Transcend MT

Posted: Jul 11, 2010

After I was terminated by Transcend, I thought my world had come crashing down on me, and I picked up the pieces and started to look for work.  In the meantime, I filed for unemployment, never thinking I had 1 chance to gain that at all.  My judgment came in from the review board in the State of FL., and they determined that there was no fault found on my part when the company terminated me, and that I had carried out my duties, as described in my job description, with no intent on my part to deliberately disobey any superior or cause harm to the company in the execution of my daily responsibilities.  In other words, they let me go solely based on my standing up for myself and questioning what I thought was a direct error on their part, which caused someone, who I cannot give the name of here, but is well recognized by all MTs of Transcend, as well as the ROM and my supervisor, to conspire to terminate me based solely on my proving to them, through e-mails and correspondence that I had kept, that I was not wrong and was judged wrongly.  This caused a great deal of anguish for my family, and I cannot tell you what it cost me healthwise.  Now, in retrospect, I probably would not have done that, but based on all of the MTs leaving Transcend, I feel I was justified in the determination by the review board.  I have been hired by another MT company and I am very, very happy. They treat me with respect and kindness, which amazed me at first:) 

Just remember, keep your head held high, don't settle for being treated as a slave and some person that does not deserve respect and kindness, because you are worthy of that kind of respect.  I am just sorry that the MT business has come down to this, and even sorrier that the tactics these companies use with regard to their MTs is deplorable. 

Good for you! - me

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Eventually what goes around comes around....more people who were terminated unjustly should at least give unemployment a try - what have you got to lose? Maybe the unemployment people will notice a nasty "trend" at "Transcend." HA HA.

You are all great MTs! - ex-Transcend MT (female)

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I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support on my behalf, and I don't speak just for myself, but for all of the MTs everywhere that have been abused by their situations with companies that have reduced their occupation to nothing more than being a robot and working ungodly hours for such low wages it is really disgusting. There were better days in the past, and I always valued my work and had pride in everything I did. I gave over 100% to my job and did the best job I could, but I was never one to buckle under in the face of oppression anywhere and anytime. I have on behalf of other MTs, when I thought they were wrongly accused of something, I have fought for others in my family and community. I am not only an MT, but also one who also fights for the rights of children in my state of Florida. Anyone that is being made to feel less than human in a situation where they feel that cannot come out of needs to be helped, and you need to band together to help one another. Many MTs have lost so very much, their homes, income, time with their families, not getting help they needed and when terminated unable to afford much of anything to live on. I feel so sorry for anyone who has gone through this. At some time or other in my 30+ years in this field I have always come across a select few that are not happy themselves and will put another person down, particularly supervisors and above, who made me feel that their supervisory skills were in question, or they never had much empathy for anyone in life. One time, at a hospital in Florida where I work, we had a new supervisor come on, and she new that I was being wrongly accused of something and she took me aside and said "I know you are not guilty, and you did nothing wrong, but if you tell anyone I said that, I will deny it." I thought to myself, how awful she did not come to my aid, although I eventually won a settlement, and they found the hospital at fault, so this is not my first dance. I was all alone, went into the room with 2 people from the hospital and the person who would determine my fate. Well, when I received the letter that exonerated me and found the hospital at fault, I was so proud that I had stood up for myself. The reason I am telling you this is that you say 1 person cannot do this alone, well they can make quite a wave in a large pond...so never, ever be treated or charged wrongly in your profession.

hooooo rayyyy heppy for you. - .

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Life is such a struggle sometime huh?

Glad you fought back. I recall reading of a firing listed on this board, they put it was "for cause" Not sure exactly if that was the exact term, but she filed for unemployment and won.

They just used the WORD to scare her, she stepped up and challenged and they had NOTHING to report. Hooo ray. Had she not challenged it, that UNJUST TERM would have followed her and ruined her job history for sure.

I think it is important to stop this kind of thing, same with the nonpayment of paychecks LIKE DIT transcription. Somebody owed over $5000 my gawd Report to your state labor board, they will handle it, get in touch with company etc

Why don't you name this great company you found? - Willa

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I think it's disgraceful that people don't mind trashing bad companies by name, or companies they no longer work for, but then they deliberately withhold information about the good employers out there, like they're afraid someone's going to muscle in on their good thing.

In my opinion, it amounts to abusing your fellow MT's in a way that's no better than what AHDI and the MTSO's do to us.

her new situation is not point of post, and not naming is no way abuse to MTs. - NM

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It's not abuse, it's self preservation - Happy MT Robin

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She found a company that is a good fit for her and congratulations for it. I'm extremely happy for her.

Not naming the company, though, is not abuse in any way shape or form. I've talked positively about my company before and gotten trashed for it because other people did not have as good an experience as I have had. Just because she's happy there doesn't mean that anyone and everyone will find it to be a good fit.

OP, I'm very glad you've ended up in such a good place after being in such a bad one. Good for you and I hope it continues to work out for you.

Thank you!! - Ex-Transcend MT

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Thank you for the nice comments and it makes me feel so good to know there are other MTs that are happy for you.

About not mentioning the company, actually I did not give it much thought when I posted the note, but I will do that eventually. Right now, I am new to the company and want to give an honest appraisal before I say anything, and I think the girls who gave their opinions regarding not giving the name are correct in what they said. I always want to give a good company name to anyone who asks me, and I want to see others happy too. Give me a little time and I will divulge the name. Thanks to everyone:)

Willa -- Your post - ancient MT

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The reason that the majority of MTs will not post the "good companies" is that eventually, it could come back to bite you -- I did just that several months ago, when apparently, the company I worked for had an ad posted for a short time on another board. I sent a PRIVATE reply back to the MT and told her that I did not believe we were hiring at that time. She proceeded to contact the company anyway and used my email address apparently in that email. Needless to say, I was terminated because of that, due to the fact that my MTSO felt that I was "disclosing information." I was not. Another example is being hired and working for the company for five years. I recommended a friend of mine who had recently graduated from MT and on my recommendation, she was hired. I later get an email from her stating that she felt "QA was picking on her;" the reason being is that she had transcribed KEM-7 -- Hello? Right now, there are too many MTs in this world who think they graduated from the "best school in the world" and have NO clue what this job entails. They are the ones who gripe because they have to work weekends or do ESLs etc. Its part of the job.

Naming the great company - Another happy MT

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"Abusing?" Get a grip. Has it occurred to you that for some of us, our MTSOs have asked us not to post our company name on any MT board. I work for a mid-sized, rather selective company that takes MTs only by referral from people already on their staff. They do not want to have to sift through resumes from people who graduated from matchbooks, nor deal with newbies. They do not have the personpower for it. Sorry, that is just the way it is in today's marketplace. Besides, doing research is part of being a good MT (or MT-wannabe), so how about letting people do their own research? I truly wish all of those who are searching the very best, but I am going to honor my boss's request. Furthermore, I do not believe anybody "owes" it to anybody else to disclose where they are working. There is absolutely no duty to do that. To call it "abuse" is somehow applying that MTs are entitled to know where the OP is working. That would be their business because.....?

Do you think you would be a pleasant co-worker we would want to work with? - And the problem is...

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I certainly am selective about who I refer to any company I like. There are people I prefer not to work with as co-workers. There are people who would make my bosses grumpy, and that isn't fair to them, to me, or anyone else who works for them.

U assumed such negativity from the post? - PedalPushr

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'Disgraceful, trashing, deliberately, abusing'?? We are all MTs trying to make our way through the crazed MTSO jungle out there. What difference would 'naming' the new company have? It shows integrity and respect..the very thing we're fighting for...to do otherwise would be hipocrisy.

Exactly. It would show a lack of integrity and respect for your employer to post - In my opinion

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It shows a lack of respect for the job you have if you just casually post your employer's name everywhere as if your job were not important to you. If it is important and you do value it, use discretion. Discretion pays.

now thats a happy ending for all - thank you for sharing. - anon

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VERY uplifting...victim no more, love it.

Ummm, are you adding a lot to this story? - live in fla

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The way this is written makes it sound like this task force was convened to thoroughly investigate your claim. I'm sure you received 1 letter letting you know that you rec'd unemployment and you are implying all these "findings" by the "review board", which is actually 1 person who looked at your claim.

I'm glad you got unemployment, but please don't act like this was a large scale investigation. You know it wasn't. I don't work for Transcend, either.

Ummm, why do you care? I had a contested unemployment claim once... - ndmt68

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and you get a letter from a review board with their findings. That is all the OP said. If unemployment wants to say their review board looked at her claim and it was really only one person, what is it to you?

Your comments - Ex-Transcend MT

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You sound so angry, and I cannot figure out why, unless you think I am making this up, which I definitely am not, and by the way this does go before a review board (meaning more than 1 person)for their approval, believe me it does!! Unless you know something I don't then please don't criticize me. I go by facts, and I never said it was a large-scale investigation. Now if you can prove what you are saying, please go ahead, I know I can prove it.

Review board - RLee

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When I started receiving unemployment through Transcend it went before a review board according to my letter. It also stated that someone would be calling me and asking specific questions, which they did. The phone nterview was called a "fact finding interview." After my conversation with them I was granted unemployment benefits. They granted it on the basis of "misconduct may not be found solely on an isolated error in judgment or a failure to perform satisfactorily when the employee has made a good faith effort to perform the duties assigned. Inefficiency, errors in judgement or inability to do the work, in the absence of any intentional disregard of those standards, negligence, or any other unreasonable conduct by the employee cannot be considered misconduct." In other words, Transcend had no just cause for terminating me. There is a review board that is why it is called a "board." I have never heard of a board with just one person!!!

Congratulations Ex-Transcend MT! - Sunshine State MT

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Yes, there IS justice in this world. Good for you, I really mean that. You went from an awful experience to a good one. Hope your new position/company works out for and put your crappy Transcend experience behind you.

Best wishes with your new company!!

My congratulations to Ex-Transcend MT also! - Idaho Spud

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I also believe that Ex-Transcend MT got justice, and it's about d*** time somebody got justice from these folks. I watched an MDIer friend of mine nearly go bankrupt during the merger when there was no work and the MTs there were kept on the string with all kinds of nonsensical explanations and promises which never came to pass. Sounds like Ex-Transcend MT did everything absolutely right and by the book and my hat is off to her (or him). Waaay to go!

Standing up - PedalPushr

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Hooray for you!
Could not agree more---I too have been punished and pushed down (at least they tried) when standing up for what is right. We all make mistakes but when confronted with truth sometimes the higher-ups fall down. With more MTSOs out there employing thousands of MTs, this behavior will unfortunately continue. The less the it's allowed the better it will get but takes time and perseverance. For every MT like us that stands up to unethical management, there is victory! Thanks for sharing.

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