A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MTSO's - Most of you are struggling and you don't know why. - READ THIS.

Posted: Dec 13, 2014

There are three areas where many MTSO's run off the track:

1.  Poor recruiting, hiring and training practices.

2.  Poor supervision, from poor selection of supervisors to lack of training for new supervisors to failure to supervise your supervisors.

3.  Inadequate compensation.  Notice that I didn't say "not having the highest compensation".  Between "inadequate" and "the highest" there's a ton of room for ALL of you to improve, but you must AT LEAST come up to "adequate" - where almost none of you are right now.

RECRUITING/HIRING/TRAINING:  Let's face it.  Most MTSO's are just "spagetti-throwers" when it comes to staffing, and that includes our largest companies.  You're burning your way through the MT labor pool, and NOT ONE OF YOU has the faintest idea what that unsophisticated management style is costing you - and yes, I do mean in actual dollars and cents.

Why?  More ads, more recruiters on the payroll, more training dollars, more low-production time for new people, more procedural errors that have to be addressed, it's all DOLLARS AND CENTS DOWN THE DRAIN.   If you think that a marginal line of transcription from a new recruit costs you the same as a marginal line (the NEXT line of transcription) from people with longevity, you're barking mad.

The staffing problems almost always start in recruiting, with a lack of complete transparency and forthrightness, and often blowing billows of smoke up the candidate's skirt.  Many of you think that it's necessary to be coy about your line rates - apparently believing this some kind of competitive advantage, or proprietary information.  Well, it's neither.  If you'd really like to know what constitutes competitive advantage (in terms of hiring), by rights I should make you submit a resume, fill out an application and take a test before I disclose this, but I won't.  


 Not the line rate... 

...nor blowing smoke with glowing descriptions of your lovely company...

...nor proclaiming yourself to be "MT-friendly" (I love the "one-big-happy-family" line that so many of you use)...

...nor making recruiting claims that prove to be false...

...nor refusal to provide critical information that people should have EVEN BEFORE they're asked to submit resumes, fill out applications or test for your positions.  "NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE!" - reallly?

I'll get into the other two items in another post, but suffice it to say that if you're failing in either of them, you aren't going to have that recruiting advantage that I noted above anyway.

Put it another way.  It's costing MTSO's a ton of money that they think they're saving by doing everything on the cheap.  Your companies don't run properly, you have MOUNTAINS of personnel problems that you wouldn't otherwise have, and it even impacts your ability to service your clients properly - just because you don't know how to run a company properly.

I suggest you remedy that shortcoming and do so as rapidly as possible, because it's tearing this industry apart and has resulted directly in the deterioration of the labor pool ON WHOM, VR OR NO VR, YOUR BOTTOM LINE STILL DEPENDS AND WILL DEPEND INTO THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. 

The fact is, a lot of you MTSO's wouldn't really care to work for your own company as an MT - and if you don't know why (I bet you do), you need to be finding out why.  It's Job One for you.

Here's a starter: 

1.  The fastest, least expensive line of transcription any company can produce is one that can be delivered directly to the client without needing to be touched more than once.

2.  The highest level of satisfaction that any company can deliver to its clients comes from complete reports delivered in a timely manner CONSISTENTLY.

Now, ask yourself who is most likely to give you that line, and who is going to generate those reports?  If you know the answer to that question, maybe you can figure things out from there.




Outstanding post. We need to offer the hospital clients - another option

[ In Reply To ..]
There HAS to be a way around the middleman who is largely ruining (for the most part) the once-good industry of transcription. I will state unequivocally that not all MTSOs are the same - many are good at what they do/how they manage their businesses. Unfortunately they don't represent any where near the majority...

The author of this post should consider starting his/her own company and fighting back against the march toward robots behind keyboards at the EXPENSIVE of accuracy. You are exactly the type of person who, even if you don't know all the answers, will work WITH THE MT'S to get it right.

To be fair to MTSOs not all of the problems are their doing, or in their power to fix. Remember in our haste to place blame we HAVE to remember some of the problem is associated with laws that regulate record keeping...

I am going to address the problem by seeking my own 'fix' - not sure what it will be, but I would rather get OUT of the business than be forced to work for less and less with higher and higher demands to produce VOLUME - and yet be expected to produce a 98.5-99% accurate product.

Living like this is not living.

Editing - my post

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I think it is a mistake to think we are going to change MTSO's business practices at this point. There are TOO many factors at work here, and any frustrated MT who is not willing to consider the whole picture (and that means really trying to understand the dynamics at work) is not really concerned with seeking a solution, but merely venting, which feels good for about 2 minutes but won't pay any bills.

My sentiments - exactly...

[ In Reply To ..]
While I agree with the post, bottom line is apparently what we perceive as a dysfunctional system is still working for someone after all these years. I guess MTs will be working nearly for free before there is any real mass exodus, but by then VR will probably do 99% of the work.

Bottom line, the only ones who seem to care are the leftovers in this job who are just barely holding on for whatever reason. The hospitals don't care and the patients don't care and it still makes nice profits for a fortunate few at the top.

Better off spending time writing poetry, short fiction, Christmas cards or the best yet, a new resume.
As I see it there are but a - few options here
[ In Reply To ..]
1. Make the best of your situation by HONESTLY doing the very best you can. This means ACCEPTING what you have in front of you - maybe comparing yourself to people who are in far far far worse straights than you might help. It also might help if this is step ONE of your plan to eventually find work out side the industry. Knowing it is temporary can help IMMENSELY with a new focus EFFORT to make it for as long as you need to - and who knows you might just be one of the top MTs who CAN make it in this new world of MTing.

2. COMPETE with the MTSOs by either finding a niche for yourself and going on your own OR with a similar type business.

3. Leave the industry altogether if you have that option.

4. A combination of the above.

Good luck, Happy Holidays, and pass the CHAMPAGNE!! already.

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