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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: work at hospital.. (Views: 37)

Pretty much the same here - LDSMT

Posted: Feb 12th, 2016 - 1:00 pm In Reply to: NJA - MyTake

I do the 6-minute wait and remedy ticket only because that gives me "permission" to work all day trying to get my lines in. So far, except for Saturday, I have been able to get all my hours in, but it literally takes all day. Some days I have even got an extra hour in to ensure I don't fall short if Saturday is really bad. In between, I clean house, work on family history, play around on the internet, etc. I don't have the option of not having work so I have to do what I have to do because I also do not want to use my PTO. So far, my line count has even increased from 350 to 400 lph, so in my 8 hours, I am getting what I used to do in 9 and 10 with OT.

In my pod, which is a new one that only had 3 groups, we lost one account to India which then meant we had 3 groups of MTs typing on 2 accounts. They sent some people off elsewhere and that helped a little. We are supposed to get a new account in March and one of our accounts will be adding some facilities.

I know if only the people in my group were typing the account we are assigned to there would be plenty of work without all this ridiculousness, as I am able to finally get all my lines in by the end of the day without typing much in other accounts, so I don't believe the slow down in work is because people aren't going to the doctor/hospital. I think it is because they shipped too many accounts to India at once without having new accounts for us. Poor planning and despicable behavior for a company to leave so many employees scrambling to make a living.

I am hopeful to see a little bit of turn around in this situation come March.


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