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File SS-8 - If your tax person

Posted: Jan 28th, 2016 - 8:16 am In Reply to: Has anyone actually filed an SS-8 against TTS? - and won and kept job sm

Told you to, TTS is not looking out for your best interests -- YOUR ACCOUNTANT IS!!

When you file SS-8, you do not have to inform your employer, the IRS will inform them. If they fire you after the IRS has contacted them, then you would follow up with the IRS, as well as with a lawyer. They would be very unwise to retaliate because if the IRS gets wind of it, then they would open themselves up to an audit, and TTS does not want that.

Check out some case law on retaliation:

A worker who was fired after admitting to his employer that he filed Form SS-8 with the IRS to determine his status as an independent contractor or employee can continue his lawsuit for unpaid overtime, a federal trial court has ruled. (Coats v. Nashville Limo Bus, LLC, U.S.D.C., M.D. Tenn, No. 3:10-0759, 2010) - See more at: http://directpaypayroll.com/uncategorized/employee-fired-for-filing-form-ss-8-may-sue/#sthash.zjVngFWn.dpuf


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