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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: TTC TTCI.. (Views: 44)

I agree with everything said above - mtmom

Posted: Oct 28th, 2015 - 10:19 pm In Reply to: You have to be prepared to do battle if they challenge you. - echomt

When discussing a contract in the hiring process you can give them a window or a production minimum. They KNOW they cannot hold you to a schedule if you are an independent contractor, but they count on you not knowing that. I have turned down many offers because we could not come to terms on windows or production minimums. I think that is just as helpful as getting a contract. If more of us told them what they are expecting is not reasonable, we might make it better for others. Also having multiple contracts is a bit of an insurance policy, if someone wants to threaten to end my contract if I don't do what they want, my response can be, "If that is what you want, that is okay with me." I love the stunned silence when that happens, and only once in 30 years has someone actually terminated my contract.


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